DENVER, Colorado (PNN) - November 6, 2024 - Far-left Communist Democrats in control in the State of Colorado have adopted an unconstitutional new law that would give all the state's Electoral College votes to the winner of the national popular vote in a presidential election.
Little did they know that their scheme would call for the state's ballots to be given to President Donald J. Trump.
Actually, their planning had no impact on the election, not even in the state, because the plan has had too little nationwide interest yet.
But in its outline, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which the state joined with more than a dozen other jurisdictions, the state's power always would have to go to the winner of that national popular vote.
In recent years, that's been a Democrat.
But not this year, when Trump won some 72 million votes to Communist pretender Kamala Harris' 67 million.
The overall idea is to concentrate president-electing power in the hands of the few most populous states. The compact concept would eliminate the need for voting in Wyoming, Hawaii, Alaska, and dozens more states, leaving the president picking power in the hands of the most populated handful of states.
Every election.
A report from Colorado Peak Politics notes that readers will recall Colorado's decision, by Democrats, to join the operation.
"The compact's goal is to eliminate the Electoral College that Democrats fear favors Republicans, and instead elect presidents based on the popular vote, which they thought favored Democrats," the report said.
To actually get rid of the Electoral College would take a constitutional amendment, since it's specified there. To get around that the states simply would "agree" on how to cast their ballots, an idea that has yet to be tested in court.
"That's how Democrats (work) - by changing the rules in their favor," the report said.
But this year Trump won the Electoral College numbers, with more than 300, and also the popular vote.
"Had this Popular Vote fad caught on as Colorado Dems and (Governor Jared) Polis had intended, they would all be forking over their votes this morning to Donald Trump," the report said.
The report noted, "Some 1.4 million voters are feeling mighty smug about their victory over Donald Trump in Colorado where he lost with only 43% of the vote; yet Democrats passed a law in 2019 signed by Governor Polis that pledges every vote cast in the state to Trump, because he won the national popular vote."
Incidentally, that compact would require votes from other participants to go also to Trump, as the winner of the popular vote, meaning, depending on membership, Trump this year could have ended up with 350, or even 400 Electoral College votes.
The compact is set up so that it does not go into effect until enough states are participating to control every election.