Declaration of Revolution!

The following is a Declaration of Revolution, brought forth by the people of this great land who were secured certain rights and freedoms under the Constitution. These rights and freedoms were brought to bear by our forefathers. They were defended with the blood of our soldiers. They have been kept sacred by the patriots of the past and present.

The United States Government is threatening to strip us of these rights and freedoms. Bills, such as the Patriot Act, have systematically dismantled and trampled upon our Constitution, thus dismantling the great republic we hold so dear. They have declared unjust wars, committed acts of tyranny, levied an unjust tax system, devalued our dollar and robbed good people of appropriate health care for decades.

We all face an uncertain future. For, without these rights and freedoms, the government possesses full control of us and our children. This cannot stand!

I hereby provide a list of demands brought forth by this Declaration of Revolution:

1. We demand a new, independent 9\11 Investigation - Nearly 3,000 innocent Americans lost their lives on September 11th, 2001. The official government account of the events has been proven false. We demand the truth!

2. We demand the shutdown of the Federal Reserve - We lost our rights of Taxation without Representation long ago. The Federal Reserve is a fraud. Not a single penny of our income tax goes to pay for federal programs. We demand answers!

3. We demand our freedom of speech - The First Amendment gives us the right to say what we want, where we want. The Government does not have the right to arrest us for expressing this right. This right is fundamental!

4. We demand our right to bear arms - Americans have the right to own guns. Taking away this right not only empowers criminals, it also strips away a fundamental right, known as the Second Amendment!

5. We demand impeachment and possible imprisonment of all current members of this government who have been involved in criminal activity - These citizens are not above the law and should be treated as equals. We demand justice!

6. We demand the withdrawal of all illegal occupations of foreign nations - The occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan have created tension and chaos and have lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. These occupations also create an increased threat to the citizens of our country!

If these demands are not met within an appropriate amount of time, this Revolution may turn into a Resistance!

We demand our country back!