German daycares introducing sex rooms for toddlers to get naked and touch each other!

HANOVER, Germany (PNN) - August 10, 2023 - This is just common sense sexual education.

Don’t be a bigot, ok?

Germany’s leading professional association on sexuality and partnership, Pro Familia, is under fire after issuing a recommendation that daycares implement “body exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for young children.

The issue first came to light when news outlet BILD revealed that parents were sent an email from an Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region that presented a list of ten rules explaining how children in the “body exploration room” would be encouraged to “pet and examine” themselves and other children.

Obviously, pedophiles would invent this sort of thing.

“All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place,” reads the message. “Each child decides for (himself or herself) whether and with whom (he or she) wants to play physical and sexual games. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for them and other children.”

Other rules outlined in the communication stipulate that the children must be within the same age group with a gap of no more than two years, and that at no time should a child “stick anything into another child’s body openings.”

One shocked father told BILD, “My daughter is five years old. I don’t want boys groping her. I have another child in another daycare center [where] there is no such thing [as an exploration room].”

Another father responded, “I’m devastated. We were told that this was determined by the Ministry of Education. As parents we were intimidated. What options do you have if you don’t want this?”

Ed. Note: The answer is simple… REFUSE TO COMPLY! Take your children out of these daycare centers immediately. Stop turning to the government to care for your children. Make the time to care for your own children and teach them the values you want them to learn. That is the job of a parent.