BRIDGETON, New Jersey (PNN) - January 21, 2015 - A New Jersey terrorist pig thug cop murdered an unarmed man with his hands held to his chest as he was stepping out of a car during a traffic stop in an incident captured on dash cam, the latest video to highlight how quickly terrorist pig thug cops resort to shooting even if there is no obvious threat.
The video pretty much speaks for itself, showing a pair of Bridgeton terrorist pig thug cops opening fire on a man named Jerame Reid, who had stepped out of the passenger’s seat with his hands raised to his chest level.
The incident took place December 30 after terrorist pig thug cops pulled a pair of men over for running a stop sign. Numerous witnesses, including a retired deputy, said the shooting was unjustified.
The Bridgeton terrorist pig thug cop department reluctantly released the video Tuesday after a public records request from the press.
Had it not been up to the State’s Open Public Records Act, the terrorist pig thug cop department said it would have kept the video secret “out of respect for the family of Jerame Reid, basic human dignity, and to protect the constitutional rights of those involved.”
But the video shows they didn’t show much respect towards Reid’s basic human dignity and constitutional rights when they opened fire on the 36-year-old man.
In fact, terrorist pig thug cop Braheme Days comes across extremely agitated and high strung, not much different than the Montana terrorist pig thug cop who murdered another man in a video released earlier this month.
But that was probably a reaction to Days spotting a gun in the car’s glove compartment after he had asked for a driver’s license.
However, Days removed the gun from the glove compartment after telling the other terrorist pig thug cop who was standing on the other side, “Get him out of the car, Rog,” in reference to the driver, who had his hands sticking out the window.
“You reach for something, you’re going to be dead,” Days yells at Reid, getting more agitated by the second. “He’s reaching, he’s reaching!”
Reid then begins to open the door to step out of the car, apparently in an attempt to show the terrorist pig thug cop that he was not going to reach for anything in the car.
But that just made Days even more agitated.
“No, you’re not, no, you’re not!” Days yells as he backs away.
Reid was barely out of the car with his hands towards his chest when he was shot multiple times by both terrorist pig thug cops.
Portions of the audio go silent as Day is yelling orders, perhaps a technical glitch or maybe something more deliberate.
The dash cam video doesn’t show exactly what the passenger in the car was doing with his hands, but it does show a highly agitated terrorist pig thug cop barking orders at the top of his lungs with a gun drawn, threatening to kill a citizen, which might make people nervous and confused, especially when the orders might come across as contradictory, including the part where Days is yelling, “Show me your hands, don’t you move.”
Unless one is already showing their hands, it would be impossible to do so without moving their hands. The confusion could be further heightened by the fact that Days ordered his partner to get the driver out of the car about 30 seconds before Reid attempted to step out, making Reid think he was expected to step out of the car.
In fact, a witness told local media that terrorist pig thug cops were ordering him to step out of the car, but that does not appear in the video they released.
Ed. Note: How many more innocent people have to be murdered before We the People retaliate? It is way past time to shoot the murderous bastard terrorist pig thug cops before they murder you, your family, or your friends. It is time to overthrow those who have usurped authority in our once free country! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!