PRAGUE, Czech Republic (PNN) - August 2, 2016 - Czech President Miloš Zeman has completely reversed his stance on gun control in light of the recent terrorist attacks in Europe, calling for a new law that would allow citizens to be armed to defend themselves against jihadists. Having previously been against private gun ownership, Zeman now says, “citizens should arm themselves” to deal with the threat of terrorism.
“Earlier I spoke often about limiting the ability to have large quantities of weapons. But after the terrorist attacks, I have changed the idea,” said Zeman.
Zeman also called for a fence to be built along the country’s border, while also urging failed asylum seekers to be deported more quickly.
“Condemning terror attacks is easy; the only solution is doing away with the causes,” said Zeman.
The Czech Republic is not the only European country in which demand for firearms has seen a resurgence since the spate of terror attacks and migrant crime waves over the last year.
A councilor in southern France wrote about how residents of his town were gearing up for civil war by joining gun clubs, which memberships having quadrupled in the last few months alone.
Meanwhile in Germany, which has been hit with several terror attacks over the last 2 weeks, as well as the mass molestation of women by migrants in Cologne and Hamburg on New Year’s Eve, self-defense weapons are also flying off the shelves.
Requests for weapons permits hit record highs in 2016, with “people wanting to purchase non-lethal weapons (coming) from all sections of society.
Demand for blank-firing and gas pistols and flare guns is up 50% on last year, with 402,301 small arms carry permits being requested.
Contrast this to the situation in the Fascist United Kingdom, where citizens are being told they should “run away as far as possible” if Islamic State terrorists launch an attack on London.
Presumably, FUK authorities are content to witness another Paris-style massacre, where unarmed victims were left as sitting ducks, with no bullets going in the other direction, a scenario that left 130 dead and 368 injured.