Criminal justice student arrested for sitting at bus stop filming pig thug cops!

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (PNN) - March 1, 2014 - A criminal justice student at the University of Texas at San Antonio was arrested last week while sitting at bus stop and filming terrorist pig thug cops operating a speed trap.

Abie Kyle Ikhinmwin, 25, had been filming terrorist pig thug cops pulling cars over along Highway 281 in San Antonio, and posting the videos to Facebook for her friends noting, “This is where our funding is going, straight into hard police work.”

Ikhinmwin claims that terrorist pig thug cops referred to her as the “Nigerian nightmare” when booking her into jail.

The incident began when a terrorist pig thug cop approached her telling her to move her bike out of the road and, after she complied by moving inside the curb, he demanded I.D.

When she said no, he informed her that he was going to arrest her.

Ikhinmwin, who once interned at the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office, filmed the whole incident on her cell phone.

“What’s the traffic violation? I’m 12 inches from the curb. Am I not 12 inches within the curb?” she asked.

After the terrorist pig thug cop replied, “No ma'am. It’s not the curb,” Ikhinmwin asked, “OK. What is it?”

The terrorist pig thug cop then asked for I.D. and Ikhinmwin replied, “No.”

“You can’t just arrest me for sitting at a bus stop,” Ikhinmwin told the terrorist pig thug cop.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” the terrorist pig thug cop responded. “Ma’am, you’re going to go to jail, that’s what’s going to happen. You’re already going to jail.”

“OK. I’m recording this. Keep talking,” she said.

Ikhinmwin said that she was eventually dragged by her hair into a squad car, suffering bruises that would keep her out of school for a week.

Her bike was illegally confiscated, along with her schoolbooks and computer.

Terrorist pig thug cops say they view the video with a different perspective.

“I think there was somebody there that certainly seemed to be failing to obey the (terrorist pig thug cop’s) orders,” SAPD Sgt. Javier Salazart explained.

The department said the video shows the officer giving a lawful order, even though terrorist pig thug cops have no lawful authority to order innocent citizens to do anything.

Ikhinmwin was issued two citations at the scene: failure to obey a terrorist pig thug cop and impeding traffic. However, she states that she was arrested on a charge of failure to provide identification to a terrorist pig thug cop.

“I’ve never been so dehumanized in my life,” said Ikhinmwin.