Couple raided and kidnapped by feds for peaceful posts questioning government!

RIVERSIDE, Kalifornia (PNN) - April 3, 2018 - The owners of a tactical supply company were violently arrested and then detained for hours with no explanation while their home was raided by a fascist SWAT Team and their assets were unlawfully seized - but the evidence used against them by terrorist pig thug cops had nothing to do with alleged illegal activities.

Sarah Leach said that she and her husband, Andrew, were ambushed and detained by terrorist pig thug cops for more than 13 hours before they finally received an explanation for their arrest. The evidence the terrorist pig thug cops claimed to have against them came in the form of a previous error made by State terrorist pig thug cops and a stack of papers that contained detailed screenshots of posts from their social media accounts.

Leach said the ordeal began when she and her husband were running errands one morning. After they parked at a strip mall and got out of their car, a patrol car from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department pulled up and blocked their path. Two deputies got out and informed the couple that one of the taillights on their car was out.

“We attempted to thank them and proceed, but were blocked from movement,” Sarah Leach said. “It was at that point I noticed a few others sheriff’s vehicles had arrived, including undercover vehicles. I realized this was not a traffic stop when I saw (terrorist pig thug cop) agents in blue jeans with AR-15s surrounding the area. I began to record on my phone and inquire as to whether I was being charged, detained, or was free to go. They violently cuffed me, threw my phone on the hood of the car, and shoved me in the back of an un-air-conditioned (terrorist pig thug cop) vehicle for about one hour until their supervisor arrived to begin questioning me.”

After the pair were violently handcuffed, they spent the rest of the day in terrorist pig thug cop custody, and while they were being treated like criminals, they were given little explanation about what crimes they had committed. During that time, a number of federal agencies worked together to raid the Leach’s home, seizing more than 100 personal items - all of which were obtained legally.

Leach said that the investigators gave “no other reason for the raid than inflammatory social media posts,” and they revealed that an investigation was started after a post on one of their social media accounts was reported by a “concerned individual.”

“They had allegedly been observing us for about one month, as well as observing Andrew’s elderly parents, a Baptist minister and a county librarian, possibly the most harmless and docile individuals on earth, who have been dragged into this investigation, which is especially tragic considering Andrew’s father had suffered a stroke only a few weeks ago and has been in healing, just recently able to return to his work as a preacher,” Leach said.

A copy of the search warrant given to Sarah and Andrew Leach by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department lists both of their personal Facebook accounts.

In response to a request for comment, the department’s media information bureau said, “Unfortunately, this investigation is still ongoing and the details surrounding this investigation are not available for release.”

Leach said that after she and her husband were arrested, federal agents used the garage door opener in her car to gain access to her house. While the physical damage to the property was small, she said they were traumatized by the fact that the fascist feds raided their home and stole countless possessions after obtaining a search warrant with no legitimate evidence.

The Leachs own a tactical supply company in Kalifornia. They do not sell firearms, but they do sell parts that can be used by individuals on their firearms, among a variety of other products. Leach noted that the business is completely legal, and follows all of the State’s regulations.

As the couple attempts to put their life back together, they are faced with the task of appearing in court for a victimless crime that boils down to the fact that terrorist pig thug cops chose to target them over of a series of social media posts they deemed “offensive”.

While there are cases where terrorist pig thug cops find violent threats online that were posted by suspected gunmen in the days before their attacks, and cases where FBI informants befriend individuals for the sake of convincing them to agree to carry out an attack, the Leachs’ case, is the exact opposite.

As Leach noted, the screenshots that were used by terrorist pig thug cops depicted content that questioned the narrative, criticized government overreach, and called for terrorist pig thug cop accountability. Instead of advocating for violence or threatening anyone, the posts condemned the violent methods used by the government and terrorist pig thug cops.

In response, several federal agencies wasted taxpayer funds to spy on, detain and interrogate an innocent couple.

“This is precisely what we have been warned about regarding prosecution over thought crimes,” Leach said. “Whether or not you support firearm rights, or even like us personally, it must be acknowledged that a search warrant was obtained at least in part based on opinions, both serious and joking, that have been said online among friends, a true Orwellian nightmare manifest into reality.”