Couple facing 60 days in jail for rescuing injured baby deer!

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (PNN) - January 28, 2013 - An Indiana couple saved a wounded baby deer and nursed it back to life, saving its life and giving it a home. They named it “Little Orphan Dani.”

When Indiana pig thug state officials got word of this courageous act of compassion, they ordered the deer euthanized. When the deer escaped right before it was schedule to be killed -the man and woman who saved it were charged with unlawful possession of a deer. They now face $2,000 in fines and 60 days in jail.

This is yet another example of the government police state gone wild, and it’s on top of seemingly countless other stories of similar pig thug cop state insanity such as armed government raids on raw milk distributors.

The bastard fascist pig thug officials behind this action are the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

What we are seeing today across the Fascist Police States of Amerika, both at the state and federal levels, is a criminal government that fines and imprisons ordinary innocent people who are only trying to do the right thing.