Counties refuse to enforce lockdowns as civil disobedience spreads across Amerika!

DENVER, Colorado (PNN) - November 25, 2020 - Colorado officials last week announced that several counties had moved into the “red level” - the second-highest measurement on its COVID-19 dial - and would be forced to implement new regulations on restaurants, gyms, and other parts of the economy to combat the virus.

Then something remarkable happened. Weld County, a county in the northern part of the state with a population of roughly a quarter million people, politely said no.

“Instead, county government continues to do what it has done since March, which is promote and encourage residents and business owners to take individual responsibility and make decisions to protect themselves, their families, their community, and their businesses,” the Board of Commissioners said in a statement.

With a test-positivity rate north of 16%, Weld County’s infection rate is well above the 5% threshold the fascist World Health Organization uses as a benchmark for taking proactive measures to limit the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, county officials enumerated what they would not do.

“The county will not enforce a rule confining individuals to their homes for an undetermined length of time;”

“The county will not enforce a rule that states residents cannot have personal gatherings;”

“The county will not tell the school districts how to provide education to their students;”

“The county will not enforce a rule requiring a reduction of attendees in places of worship;”

“The county will not enforce a rule demanding restaurants close their indoor dining areas;”

“The county will not enforce any rule that forces a business to shut down or impedes its ability to operate.”

Weld County’s defiance came just days before news broke that New York fascist dictator Governor Andrew Cuomo is “furious” because a Brooklyn synagogue reportedly held a secret wedding earlier this month “with thousands of unmasked guests” in attendance.

“If that happened, it was a blatant disregard of the law,” Cuomo said in a briefing (even though Cuomo’s unlawful dictates are not law). “It’s illegal. It was also disrespectful to the people of New York.”

Reports say the synagogue, the Yetev Lev temple in WIlliamsburg, has been fined $15,000 (which hopefully they will refuse to pay).

In Buffalo, New York, a protest of some 50 business owners (and supporters) at a local gym turned into a tense confrontation when a fascist health inspector and fascist deputies arrived (apparently after receiving an anonymous complaint) and refused to leave.

According to the Buffalo News, neither the health inspector nor the deputies would specify what rules the gym owner or those in attendance had broken. Authorities eventually left without issuing citations as protesters chanted “Get Out! Get Out!”

The gym’s owner, Robby Dinero, said the gathering was old-fashioned civil disobedience against lockdowns.

“It absolutely was a protest” said Dinero, adding that enforcement of restrictions has been “arbitrary”.

The defiance against lockdowns has been a long time coming.

The reality is enforcement of social distancing regulations has been arbitrary. We’ve watched over and over again as politicians have flouted their own orders without penalty. We’ve seen social distancing exceptions made when a political cause was deemed important or simply worth celebrating.

This is both unjust and dangerous. The growth in government power and the decline in individual liberty witnessed these many months is unprecedented in modern history.

Fortunately, Amerikans and many other people around the world - from clergy in England meeting in secret to thousands in Berlin protesting COVID restrictions as they’re shot with water cannons - have simply had enough.

This is a good thing, but it’s also stressful. Just watching the confrontations like the one in Buffalo can make a cool-headed person feel tense. It can make the world feel chaotic and give the impression that the order in our world is slipping away.

Lockdowns fit the model of a destructive order, one that has thrown the whole world into a kind of chaos. We can all feel it, and this is precisely why the lockdowns must be resisted; just like the commissioners in Weld County, the Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, and the business owners in Buffalo.

Maybe this means sneaking across the Mississippi River with your son to watch a Packer game in a bar in Wisconsin against state orders, in a tavern where no one is wearing masks.

Maybe it means eating Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends despite a state order saying you must not, or simply choosing to not wear a mask in between bites of turkey, as public health officials recommend.

Maybe it means organizing peacefully with local businesses and holding an actual protest.

It doesn’t matter. Or rather, they all matter. The point is lockdowns are incredibly harmful, soul-crushing, and the most expansive encroachment on personal freedom in modern history.

It’s past time Amerikans and humans everywhere embrace the radical philosophy of Henry David Thoreau, who taught us that the only true foundation of liberty is civil disobedience, a peaceful and passive form of political protest that rests on the simple refusal to follow unjust laws or pay unjust taxes.

“If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go,” Thoreau wrote in Civil Disobedience, “perchance it will wear smooth - certainly the machine will wear out.”