I often wonder if the problems we are experiencing in today's America - problems which in latter days would never have been allowed to occur due to the patriotism inherent in the majority of Americans - reflect a passionless attitude toward liberty by most Americans; whether so many Americans have become docile, suckling more and more on the ever-present government teat offered to them by Washington, D.C. Have too many of us been too long dependent on the government, that we no longer have the capacity to fend for ourselves? Have we as a people become unable to manage without government assistance? Have we sold our souls in exchange for government benefits? Are we no longer fit to survive on our own?
The federal government, through the corporate State, has gone to great lengths over several generations to establish dependence of the American people on government programs. They have not shirked any opportunity to offer a handout to special interest groups - blacks, women, the poor, the disabled, artists, just about anybody who wants to can qualify for some government benefit. The problem is, when you accept any government benefit you waive your God-given, unalienable rights. The result is that most Americans have surrendered their Natural rights in exchange for government privileges, creating a country of parasites who believe they cannot or will not survive without government help.
Frequently, people who try to get off government social programs are met with resistance by officials. I know of one man in Illinois who was on welfare for several years; he then got a job paying him 80,000 dollars a year. When he asked to be taken off the welfare rolls, the official asked him to stay on welfare, because it would help the agency to receive larger appropriations from the federal government. Can you imagine that! A government official refusing to remove a recipient from the welfare program on his own request!
America was founded as the Land of Opportunity. This used to mean that if you worked hard you could create the life you want, and that you were the ruler of that life. America today is more like the Land of Social Programs. Step right up and get your share of the American pie; don't worry, those Americans who are still working will pay for your benefits.
They are called "entitlement programs" but the term is both incorrect and misleading. First, nothing in the Constitution allows the federal government to tax some Americans to pay others. That is called Socialism and it represents the enemy of Americanism. Second, nobody in this country is "entitled" to anything, except Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. You may notice that the Declaration of Independence does not read, "Life, Liberty and Happiness." You have the right to pursue your happiness, but you are not entitled to be happy; you must earn your happiness. No American has a right to health care, an education, or a job; you may pursue these goals, however, and if you work hard you may achieve the life you desire. But nobody has a right to these things.
Is it possible that the spirit on which our country was founded is totally defunct? Could it be that the essence of what it means to be an American - that willingness to and passion for resisting oppression - has become extinct? Are the American people so settled into suckling on the government teat that they have forgotten our history of independence and individuality?
I do not think so. Granted, I am definitely an optimist. But my conclusions are based on much more than that.
Every day, I see evidence that America is alive and well. I regularly speak with Americans from different walks of life - all ages, genders, races, religions - and find a healthy attitude of independence among a growing number of people who are dissatisfied with the excesses of the federal and State governments. I often interact with people willing to accept the consequences of their actions and take full responsibility for their own lives; this is the sign of a Real American.
Yes, I am certain that America is alive and well. Perhaps the majority accept the status quo, but that has been true throughout recorded civilization. However, it is the minority - unwilling to stand by quietly while their freedoms and liberties are trampled upon by government officials and agencies - who have always changed the world. It is those special Americans who feel honored to risk everything they have to protect and defend the principles of freedom and liberty on which our country was founded, who will turn the tide of the current struggle.
Darwin postulated that those most able would survive. Survival of the fittest.
If you accept this theory as true, then perhaps the weak-kneed, cowardly "Pseudo-Americans" who don't want to get involved or upset the status quo applecart - those individuals who are terrified of losing the things they have accumulated and would rather allow encroachments on their liberties than risk anything at all - perhaps these unthinking, valueless, amoral people will die out over the next few years, while the rest of us fight the good fight against oppression and tyranny.
I contend that we will survive. True Patriots earn their right to survive by taking a stand for principle. I am certain that there are enough rabble-rousers, resisters, outspoken Americans, and freedom fighters to win this war. Come join us. Come be a part of the glorious victory of the forces of freedom over those of tyranny. Come walk with me and my fellow Patriots on the sometimes rocky, often rugged road to liberty. As long as one human being continues to speak about freedom and liberty, then we are assured of our victory. Together we can and will succeed in reclaiming America as the Land of the Free, and restoring government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, then timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain