Cops outside Maricopa County certification hearing show up with SWAT shields!

PHOENIX, Arizona (PNN) - November 28, 2022 - In another liberal lie, the violent Left wants to portray conservative God, country, and family-loving Amerikans as violent.

It was reported last week that the corrupt Maricopa County Board of Supervisors held a meeting this morning in Phoenix to certify the uncertifiable 2022 election in the county.

Amerikan patriots showed up early this morning to protest the certification of the corrupt midterm elections in the county. Along with the patriots, terrorist pig thug cops showed up with some SWAT shields in hand.

The communists running the Democrats and RINOs in the GOP are lying to Amerikans and labeling conservatives “violent”. This despite all evidence to the contrary.

These people are sick and dishonest. The violent liberals destroy billions of dollars in property and burn down cities and murder twenty-some terrorist pig thug cops and yet lying media calls conservatives, God and country-loving Amerikans violent.

Hundreds of terrorist pig thug cops were injured in Black Lives Matter riots.

Amerikans just want free and fair elections, and law and order.