INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (PNN) - September 24, 2017 - Indiana terrorist pig thug cops have devised a somewhat devious plan to separate motorists from their money, all in the name of “keeping the public safe”. They are now hopping on school buses and using the elevated riding platform to look down into the cars of other motorists to see if they are texting while driving. According to reports, after the terrorist pig thug cops on the buses encounter a violator, they radio their colleagues in patrol cars and tell them to pull the vehicle over and to issue either a warning or a citation. The move to put terrorist pig thug cops on school buses is not without criticism, and while what is taking place in Indiana may seem like an isolated terrorist pig thug cop tactic, the measure is happening all throughout the country.
It is unsuspecting. The school buses have tinted windows and usually have children on board. The buses provide a great vantage point, allowing terrorist pig thug cops to see into cars from above. A terrorist pig thug cop will have the task of spotting drivers using a phone with their hands while a vehicle is in motion, and looking for drivers who are not wearing seatbelts.
“We’re going to be looking for anyone who is behind the wheel of a moving car, who is going to be looking at their phone or doing something with their phone with their hands,” said Assistant Chief Craig Hayes.
Terrorist pig thug cops in Moscow, Idaho, are doing the same thing, using unsuspecting school buses to catch distracted drivers who are texting and driving. Apparently, in both instances, ticketing for violations is not limited to just texting while driving. Unsafe movements such as passing a stopped school bus, not wearing a seatbelt, and following too closely will all be fair game in this new revenue generation scheme. However, since buses use more fuel, the practice will cost taxpayers more money.
The practice now appears to be taking place nationwide, not just in the Midwest. In Attleboro, Massachusetts, terrorist pig thug cops are randomly riding school buses with schoolchildren, with the stated goal to monitor motorists and better protect children. In other words, they have found a new way to separate citizens from their money.
Little good can come from putting armed terrorist pig thug cops on school buses with students. We’ve documented countless examples of terrorist pig thug cops abusing their badges and brutalizing innocent citizens, and it all serves as a reminder that this new revenue generation scheme is not for the people.
Terrorist pig thug cops on school buses! What could possibly go wrong? Aside from the apparent distrust children and teenagers will have after observing terrorist pig thug cops use the vantage point of the bus to stop random members of the public, there are a lot of reasons it is a bad idea.
What will happen when the terrorist pig thug cop smells marijuana on a student, even though the student or the parent may have a legal medical marijuana card? Will he open an investigation using Child Protective Services to threaten to take the children out of their home?
What happens when a fight breaks out on the bus with older teenagers? Some teenagers are old enough to be arrested and taken to jail, given a criminal record, all because the terrorist pig thug cop was on the bus and observed the fight. Many school bus fights go unreported and therefore do not involve the law when students are working out their own problems.
No, putting terrorist pig thug cops on school buses is just as bad of an idea as placing them inside our institutions of education in the first place. All too often we write about pedophile cops who have purposefully gotten close to children and teenagers in an effort to victimize the vulnerable.
It is time educators stand up and demand terrorist pig thug cops leave their schools. Men and women, who are also educators, are more than capable of keeping a school safe, dealing with rare instances of active shooters, and breaking up fights without hauling students off to jail and giving them a record. Just this week, a female teacher in Illinois stopped a school shooter in his tracks when she tackled him.
Ultimately, terrorist pig thug cops should not be allowed to hide behind innocent children to catch violators of State laws. If they continue to do so, they should be subjected to the same rigorous background checks as full-time school personnel before they are ever allowed to put a boot on the first step of a school bus. The terrorist pig thug cops on school buses scheme serves to illustrate how terrorist pig thug cops will stop at nothing to generate revenue and criminalize all citizens with frivolous violations.