No charges filed; cops get paid vacation.
COUNCIL, Idaho (PNN) - July 31, 2016 - The killers of Council, Idaho rancher Jack Yantis will soon return to work after being cleared of criminal charges by fascist Idaho Attorney General Larry Wasden. Nearly ten months have elapsed since Yantis, 62, was cut down by a twelve-shot fusillade alongside Highway 95 after he had been summoned by the Adams County Sheriff’s Office to put down a bull that had been struck by a car. The deputies who responded to the accident, Brian Wood and Cody Roland, shot the bull, but neither was able to kill it. Roland called the sheriff’s dispatch to have Yantis kill the animal.
The collision with the bull occurred early on the evening of November 1. Yantis, his wife Donna, and their friend Rowdy Paradis, arrived on the scene at 7:22 PM. Yantis was armed with a .204 bolt-action rifle; Paradis was driving a skid-loader that would be used to haul away the dead bull. Yantis approached the stricken animal, passing Deputy Wood, who was armed with a .223 rifle that had been ineffective in dealing with the bull.
“Get that piece of sh*t away from my animal,” Yantis instructed the deputy, as he approached the bull and lined up a kill shot near its head. Mrs. Yantis and Paradis testified that he had chosen an angle that was safe; Wood and Roland - who had been impotently flinging lead at the beast - later claimed that they were worried that the angle Yantis selected potentially endangered people to the south of the accident scene.
All of the witnesses agree that Wood approached Yantis as the rancher prepared to fire. Paradis and Mrs. Yantis both claim that he laid hands on the rancher, causing him to turn and stumble. Wood admits reaching toward Yantis, but denies coming in physical contact with him.
“Deputy Wood told him not to shoot and attempted to stop him,” Roland recounted in his initial handwritten account of the incident. “The owner then shoved Deputy Wood sideways and began to raise the rifle toward Deputy Wood. I drew my sidearm and as I was drawing, the owner turned toward me and fired from the hip. I returned fire; I saw the muzzle blast and felt the shock.”
In his fabricated account, Wood claimed that as Yantis lined up the shot at the bull, he was distracted by Roland, and that he “took his rifle and shoved it forward in the direction of Roland, directly toward Roland’s chest.” At that point, multiple gunshots were fired.
“His belief at the time was it was Yantis’ rifle that went off because of the motion he saw Yantis make,” summarized a December 9 Idaho State terrorist pig thug cop investigative report - an account, it should be noted, that was given more than a month after the events.
Several witnesses, including Donna Yantis, say that they heard Roland exclaim, “I’m hit!” He didn’t suffer an injury, nor was there gunpowder residue on his clothing. He opened fire on Yantis, as did Wood, leaving the rancher fatally perforated with a dozen shots.
There was an empty round in the rifle, and what was described as a .20 caliber bullet from Yantis’s gun was later recovered at the scene. The March 2 FBI lab report doesn’t clearly identify that round as the one fired by Yantis. It describes the round as “a damaged bullet consistent with .20 caliber, however, due to deformation other calibers could not be excluded.” So there is no physical evidence to corroborate the murderers’ account that the victim wheeled and opened fire on the deputies.
Undated, handwritten notes from Idaho State terrorist pig thug cop investigators underscored some contradictions and implausibilities in the deputies’ account. Reference is made to “the progression of the struggle/controlling of the gun,” which indicates there was a hands-on altercation involving Yantis. Roland was asked at one point, “Is there any reason your prints [are] on Yantis rifle?” The interviewer struck through the question.
In an early interview, Roland claimed that Yantis “shoved Wood,” leaving the younger, more muscular deputy with his “left leg up” as he “reached down to grab [the rifle].” This detail appears to have prompted skepticism on the part of one interviewer. “I have a very hard time believing an older man whose hips are being held together by a steel girdle” could shove back “a very strong cop moving in with purpose to control a situation.”
The same investigator noted that there was a contradiction about Wood being involved in a struggle. “How was there a struggle if Wood was off balance?” “You both talk about expecting him to stop but both talk about firing as fast as possible.”
After unloading multiple rounds into Yantis, Roland sent out a “shots fired” call, and Wood immediately began to perform unnecessary first aid on his colleague. Gail Smith, an EMT from Council, gathered the two deputies into an ambulance, where she witnessed the two of them immediately starting to collaborate on their shared story of the incident.
“I know we are not supposed to talk about this,” Wood told Roland, as Smith - who is familiar with investigative protocol - advised him not to go too far. “I just wanted to know if you saw the rifle.”
“I saw the flash, that’s all I saw,” Roland replied, as Smith sharply told them, “That’s it, guys.”
Deputy Wood was perceived as an impermissible threat to fellow members of the State’s murderous terrorist pig thug cops on the basis of something he had said. However, the fact that he and Roland murdered an innocent commoner doesn’t seem to make him an unacceptable risk to the general public.
Ed. Note: When is enough, enough? How many more innocent Amerikans need to be murdered by terrorist pig thug cops before you take action to stop them? It is time to rise up and overthrow the criminals with badges that are terrorizing our country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!