ROCKY HILL, Connecticut (PNN) - March 3, 2014 - A recent media tidal wave based on false reports and bad journalism has proven a few things about the 2013 Gun Ban: people from Connecticut and around the nation are tired of being threatened; are ready to make a stand; and the State of Connecticut does not have the stomach to enforce the edicts and laws with which they threaten gun owners.
For years, Undersecretary Michael Lawlor, the upper levels of the State terrorist pig thug cops, and Governor Dannel Malloy have sought to disarm those whom they fear.
The laws they passed show that they fear constitutionally and lawfully armed citizens.
Despite thousands of gun owners showing up at each legislative session expecting to be heard by their “representatives,” terrorist government officials seized upon public panic related to the Newtown shooting as a means to exert legislative and executive fiats intent upon disarming gun owners who have harmed no one. The Connecticut Executive and Legislative branches showed their cowardice when they installed metal detectors and armed guards at the entrances to the Legislative Office Building (LOB) only for firearms-related hearings.
Gun hating officials now have their laws on the books in Connecticut. They dreamed up those laws, in their tyrannical dystopias, but it was NOT the majority of the public that supported such laws. Despite all the severe legal language that the government passed, there is still no open discussion of enforcing those tyrannical laws as they stand. Throughout the Legislature and Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, there is only talk of “amnesty” and possibly boiling the frog at a slower rate.
It comes as no surprise that the talks of relaxing enforcement expectations go along with legislators trying to get past their re-election deadlines. If the unconstitutional anti-gun laws they passed are so good for everyone in this state, then why are elected officials requesting increased security, both at the LOB and their private homes? The outlaw legislators and officials are scared to implement their tyranny because they know that they did not have any sort of consent of the governed.
Those officials have violated their oaths of office; the Executive and Legislative branches of the Connecticut government overstepped their moral and constitutional responsibilities by passing those invalid laws: they acted and voted contrary to our Rights and against our Constitution.
Now, State officials look down the barrel of the laws they created, and they very probably now tremble as they rethink the extremity of their folly. Connecticut Carry calls on every State official, every Senator and every Representative to make the singular decision: either enforce the laws as they are written and let us fight it out in court, or else repeal the 2013 Gun Ban in its entirety.
As many media sources have pointed out, there is very little compliance with the new edicts, and there is absolutely no way for the State to know who is obeying the law or not. State pig thug officials have made their bluff, and Undersecretary Lawlor has made his position clear, that the State will enforce the laws.
We say bring it on.
Terrorist pig thug officials of the State of Connecticut have threatened its citizens by fiat. Now it’s time for the State to man-up: either enforce its edicts or else stand down and return to the former laws that did not so violently threaten the citizens of this state.
There is nothing that will so completely destroy faith in those edicts faster than the State-provoked chaos and violence that will be required to enforce these bogus anti-gun laws. Connecticut citizens should not have to live in perpetual fear of the jack boot coming down on them. By passing laws they cannot or choose not to enforce, State thug officials tell the public that this State is ignorant, immoral, blind, and impotent in its legal and decision making processes. The passage of such foolishly conceived, insufferable and invalid laws is an affront to every law abiding citizen. Every official who supports such legal foolishness mocks the Constitution they swore to uphold.
If the state does not have the stomach to enforce these laws, then the legislature has until May 7, 2014 to completely repeal these immoral edicts and let the citizens of Connecticut return to their rightfully owned property and former exercise of constitutional rights and practices without any threat of State violence.
If terrorist pig thug officials of the State of Connecticut opt to get “froggy” (jumping on citizens) and start to enforce the new bogus laws, then Connecticut Carry stands ready to do whatever it takes and whatever it can do to represent and defend anyone impacted by the State’s violence.
“As citizens of Connecticut, we have a right to bear arms. With that right comes responsibility. The responsibility to stand in defense of ourselves and our fellow citizens is paramount.” – Connecticut Carry President Rich Burgess
Contact: Richard Burgess, President
Connecticut Carry, Inc.
Ph: 203-208-9577