Congressman calls Amerikans “idiots” and berates their “stupidity”!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - February 24, 2025 - A Democrat member of Congress has blasted Amerikans, perhaps even the ones who voted for her, for being lost in "stupidity" and for being "idiots".

"I am at the point where it has become really hard to have an intellectual debate with any of these people because the level of stupidity that they are displaying every single day is frankly, embarrassing," said Ilhan Omar (Minn.) "Not just in Congress, but as Amerikans.”

"The fact that these people are allowed to say just the most ridiculous things,” says the devout Communist Omar, “tells you that the dumbing of the United States has arrived, because how else do we get a Trump presidency again?"

Devout Marxist Omar ridiculed over 75 million Amerikans by calling them stupid and idiots. The question we all should ask is why do we allow her to remain in Congress? If she thinks this way about Amerikans then perhaps she should be deported.

She was being interviewed by Mehdi Hasan about a recommendation from Texas Congressman Brandon Gill to deport her.

Congressman Gill’s comments were in response to the recently discovered fact that she married her own brother in order to get him permanent status in the United States, which is a direct violation of federal immigration law.

Omar, in fact, has for a long time promoted her allegiance to her home, Somalia, and has been involved in a long list of scandals during her time in Congress.

Mehdi Hasan has started a media company called Zeteo. She recently interviewed Omar.

“You and I have discussed people attacking you in the past, but you have this new freshman Congressman, Brandon Gill, who wrote that America would be a better place if Ilhan Omar was deported back to Somalia,” said Hasan. “I mean I thought I'd seen everything, and I've seen a lot of attacks on you. But now you have a colleague in the House saying to deport an Amerikan citizen, an Amerikan lawmaker and an elected representative. How do you deal with that?"

"These people are just idiots,” said Omar. “I really am at the point where it has become really hard to have an intellectual debate with any of these people because the level of stupidity that they are displaying every single day is frankly, embarrassing. Not just in Congress but as Amerikans, and the fact that these people are allowed to say just the most ridiculous things tells you that the dumbing of the United States has arrived, because how else do we get a Trump presidency again?"

Of course, nothing was mentioned of the crime committed by Omar when she married her brother in order to get him into the United States, and then arranged for him to receive money from benefits to which non-Amerikans are not entitled, which is fraud. Neither was it mentioned in this obviously biased interview that Omar’s acts of fraud are the reason that Congreeman Gill suggested she should be deported.

Furthermore, in suggesting that people not be allowed to say even "stupid" things, Omar showed her dedication to Marxism by suggesting that free speech should be disallowed by the government, even though the Constitution clearly does not empower government to impinge on free speech.

Perhaps Omar needs to learn that the people are superior to the Congress, which is comprised of servants - not rulers - to those same people. Perhaps Omar is really the stupid idiot here.