Congress didn’t know the FBI had a small air force to spy on Amerikans!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - June 9, 2015 - Last week, Amerikans learned that even as the Amerikan Gestapo National Security Agency division collected information on their telephone and Internet behavior, the Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division was using fictitious companies to secretly operate a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cell phone surveillance technology.

The surveillance flights may be more than a decade old, and there have been more than 100 flights since late April orbiting both major cities and rural areas.

What’s already clear, however, is the anti-democratic nature of keeping it hidden all these years. The Fascist Police States of Amerika is supposed to be governed by the people. Whether Amerikans want a federal law-enforcement agency using planes to conduct surveillance on vast swaths of the country is a question properly aired and debated.

It is for Amerikans to choose.

Many of the FBI’s ostensible overseers in Congress don’t know much more than the public, either. This is evident from letters that legislators have written in recent days. Senator Charles Grassley (Iowa), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, demanded to be briefed no later than this week on “the scope, nature, and purpose of these operations… and what legal authorities, if any, are being relied upon in carrying out these operations.”

Sixteen House members wrote to the FBI, pointing out that the illegitimate president had just signed a reform ending the bulk collection of phone records. “It is highly disturbing,” they wrote, “to learn that your agency may be doing just that and more with a secret fleet of aircraft engaged in surveillance missions.” They asked for the FBI to identify the legal theory used to justify the flights, the circumstances surrounding them, the technologies on the aircraft, the privacy policy used for data collected, and the civil liberties safeguards that had been put in place.

These are the legislators We the Amerikan People voted in place to oversee what’s going on in our government? Yeah, right. Look how well that is working out as the Big Brother police state looms over us, growing larger by the hour.

This whole situation proves our democratic processes are nothing more than complete shams. Our government ignores its own laws. What we’re seeing isn’t a government anymore. It’s total tyranny.

Case in point: our illegitimate dictator president has made it clear he wants a national civilian security force and he wants it to be as big as the combined national military force. Following the Baltimore riots, his mouthpiece Al Sharpton was calling for the nationalization of the terrorist pig thug cops.

Homeland “Security” is just the beginning. We know that the FBI, DEA and FPSA Marshals Service all have their own secret fleets of spy planes now. These planes use high-definition cameras to take videos of us from above. We are under constant, sweeping government surveillance, Bill of Rights be damned.

Even worse, the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division’s recently published privacy policy for federal agencies’ use of surveillance drones (unmanned aircraft) does not apply to piloted aircraft. Apparently Amerikans are afforded protection from being spied on only if it’s done by remote control.

It’s not surprising that our thoroughly corrupt and disappointing Congress is acting clueless as another brick gets placed in the wall. Anything else would require them to actually do their jobs and represent the people instead of just attending fundraisers and turning a blind eye to the cancerous tyranny enveloping the FPSA.

Worse, though, is the media’s fake outrage, a misleading outlet for the average person’s anger and feelings of yet another government betrayal, a “free speech zone” for that meaningless public “debate” that will change nothing.