Congress finds that Fauci prompted scientists to lie about COVID-19 lab leak theory!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - March 7, 2023 - When Dr. Anthony Fauci lied directly to Congress about offshoring banned gain-of-function coronavirus engineering in Wuhan, China, there was always going to be more to the story. Now, a new congressional investigation finds that Fauci coerced leading scientists to fabricate a science paper - The Proximal Origins of SARS-CoV-2 -  to quickly “disprove” the COVID-19 lab leak theory, all the way back in February of 2020. The congressional investigation finds that the authors of the paper (who were summoned to a Fauci-led teleconference) “skewed available evidence” to disprove the lab leak investigation. One of the figures who played a critical role in the coverup included Dr. Jeremy Farrar, the chief scientist at the Marxist, un-Amerikan World Health Organization (WHO).

Fauci, the director of the national Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), Farrar, chief scientist at WHO, and Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), convened an emergency teleconference with eleven other scientists on February 1, 2020. Five participants on the call had serious concerns that SARS-CoV-2 was the result of a laboratory leak from a coronavirus strain that was intentionally genetically manipulated. These concerned scientists included Scripps Research virologist Kristian Andersen, University of Sydney virologist Edward Holmes, Tulane School of Medicine virologist Robert Garry, University of Edinburgh virologist Andrew Rambaut, and Columbia University virologist Ian Lipkin. These scientists did not go public with their initial lab-leak concerns; they were later revealed in private email conversations.

Instead, the scientists were summoned to an emergency teleconference led by Fauci, Collins, and Farrar. After the teleconference, their scientific concerns and research were shut down. Immediately after the meeting, all scientists involved began to change their tune, coalescing behind a new narrative. After the teleconference, the scientists quickly produced the fabricated paper Fauci used to “debunk” the lab-leak theory, The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2.

“We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible,” the article concluded. This research paper was used to promote a narrative that COVID-19 was a natural virus crossing from pangolins to humans. Despite there being no identifiable, natural animal reservoir, and despite the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated (and therefore does not exist), this theory was used to promote a scientific consensus, and all debate on the topic was censored by fascist corporate media and Big Tech. In fact, media cited the bogus paper over 2,000 times. Anyone who spoke against this narrative was derided as a “conspiracy theorist.” Strangely enough, after falling in line with Fauci’s false fascist narrative and blatant coverup of SARS-CoV-2 origins, Dr. Anderson and Dr. Garry would go on to receive millions of new dollars in NIH grants - a sure payout for their silence and obedience.

Fauci, of all people, had an ethical and national security obligation to investigate the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and the coronavirus engineering that he had funded. It was Fauci who approved and oversaw these grants with Dr. Peter Daszak through EcoHealth Alliance. It was Fauci who was part of multiple studies that involved enhancing the transmissibility and lethality of coronaviruses. Fauci’s “prompting” of leading scientists to shut down a legitimate investigation reeks of a serious coverup - a coverup that ultimately led to multiple crimes against humanity.

Fauci and his fascist cohorts should be publicly executed for his crimes against humanity.

The Committee on Oversight and Reform pressed Dr. Andersen on his Proximal Origins paper and the narrative that was pushed thereafter. Scripps responded to then Ranking Member James Comer and then Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member Jim Jordan. Scripps lied by asserting that Dr. Andersen was not influenced by Fauci.
Andersen’s private communications, however, reveal that he hadn’t objectively weighed the evidence. In a February 8, 2020 email, Dr. Andersen admitted, “Our main work over the last couple weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any type of lab theory…” The congressional investigation finds that “Dr. Andersen was given direction and sought to formulate a paper (containing false and misleading information), regardless of available evidence, that would disprove a lab leak.”

In fact, Dr. Andersen wrote to Nature on February 12, 2020, requesting publication of what would become The Proximal Origins of SARS-CoV-2.” He wrote, “There has been a lot of speculation, fear mongering, and conspiracies put forward in this space, and we thought that bringing some clarity to this discussion might be of interest to Nature. Prompted by Jeremy Farrah [sic], Tony Fauci, and Francis Collins, [it is] Eddie Holmes, Andrew Rambaut, Bob Garry, Ian Lipkin, and myself [who] have been working through much of the (primarily) genetic data to provide an agnostic and scientifically informed hypothesis around the origins of the virus.”

Andersen’s letter to Nature is just more evidence showing that COVID-19 was a planned terror and money laundering operation from the start - an operation of carefully crafted narratives, coercion, and medical and scientific malfeasance.