LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - September 14, 2020 - Following the horrific premeditated shooting of two Sherrif’s deputies in Los Angeles Saturday, conservative commentator Candace Owens tore into “pea-brained celebrities” who have enabled racist, anti-cop rhetoric by throwing their support behind extremists using the label Black Lives Matter.
“Why does this happen?” Owens asked. “Because pea-brained celebrities that are idolized like [LeBron James] tell young black men that they are ‘literally being hunted.’”
“This is the natural result of such hyperbolic, dishonest rhetoric,” Owens said.
“The racist, anti-cop, Black Lives Matter ‘lie’ is to blame,” she asserted.
In a second post, Owens expanded.
“Why else does this happen? Because when pea-brained athletes put the name of an alleged rapist on their helmets and jerseys, criminals begin believing they are acting as heroes,” Owens tweeted, referring to Jacob Blake from Kenosha, Wisconsin.
“Black Lives Matter and complicit media organizations, athletes, and entertainers are to blame,” Owens declared.
The two deputies, aged 31 and 24, were attacked without motivation while sitting in a cruiser. They underwent emergency surgery for their injuries Saturday night and are expected to survive.
Reports and footage confirmed that a crowd of BLM thugs reached the hospital’s emergency room and were heard chanting, “We hope they die”.
The sheriff’s department also said that the violent thugs blocked entries and exits to the hospital, with some engaging in physical confrontations with cops.