Commentary: Where is the law against showing your face?

By Eric Peters

November 15, 2020 - One way to fight the Corona monomaniacs - the very sick people who insist that “Corona” trumps everything, cost no object (whether in money or diminution of life) and who are “mandating” that everyone “wear a mask” everywhere they go - is to not wear the “mask”.

Showing your face is a visual repudiation of their emotional blackmail; their despicable demand that you look as though you agree with their hysterical hypochondria - by hiding your face behind a “mask”. By looking like am imbecile - someone who believes that a rag worn over one’s face filters out a virus or prevents a virus from being spread.

Another is to oblige them to charge you with a statutory offense for showing your face.

In almost every state, there is a “mandate” or “guideline” ordering everyone to hide their face. But in no state has a law been passed obliging people to do so - nor to stand six feet apart or perform any other act of Sickness Kabuki.

If there is no law, then there can be no charge - or conviction.

Not without admitting - openly - that we live under tyranny; that they can arrest and cage us at their pleasure.

This is an important point, at least  insofar as exposing the fiction that the Fascist Police States of Amerika and the states that comprise it are governed by laws duly passed by legislators who are elected by the people to represent them.

In other words, it is important to shred the notion that “the people” are governed “by consent” - the former never having consented to any of this - and to make clear the ugly fact that we live in an era of unlimited government.

The Coonman - the governor of my state of Virginia - is the lawful chief executive of the state. He has appointed himself Gesundheitsfuhrer of the state. The power of this office is exactly what he says it is, Humpty Dumpty-style.

He is the supreme arbiter of whatever he decides he has power to impose upon the populace in the name of protecting “health”.

However he defines it.

At whatever cost - in money or diminution of life - he considers acceptable. Himself being exempted from the cost of his “mandates,” insofar as being immunized from the loss of his income, his liberty to travel and so on.

But the Coonman’s “mandate” that every man, woman and child in the state wear a piece of cloth over his or her face wherever he/she goes isn’t a law. There is no statute or code under which a person may lawfully be charged with “failure to wear the Holy Rag”.

How, then, will the “mandate” be enforced?

He intends, of course, to fine any business that does not enforce his “mandate” - i.e., to practice extortion under color of law - which is a powerful incentive for businesses to enforce the wearing of the Holy Rag.

But can he arrest - and cage - anyone for not wearing the Holy Rag?

Certainly he has the power to arrest and cage anyone the thugs he’s got working for him are willing to arrest and cage. That is understood.

But upon what charge?

This will be an interesting question to which to find out the answer. I intend to do so by continuing to defy the “mandate” that I efface my face just because the Coonman says so. If I am threatened by a business - that they will “call the cops” on me - I will encourage them to do just that. I am willing to risk being arrested and caged for not breaking any law - to demonstrate what a lawless country Amerika has become under the reign of the Gesundheitsfuhrers.

I would much have preferred to have the Orange Man impose the law - the Constitution - upon the Gesundheitsfuhrers instead as it would have been far more corrective and besides which it’s his job, not mine.

The president of the Fascist Police States of Amerika swears an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the (Fascist Police States of Amerika).” Also to see to it that the laws are faithfully executed - including the ones that protect the rights of the people against “mandates”.

The Orange Man has been grotesquely derelict in this duty.

He could, even now, inform the Gesundheitsfuhrers - not just the Gesundheitsfuhrer of Virginia but all of them - that they have no authority to suspend the Constitution - including specifically the freedom to peaceably assemble and the right to free speech, which implies the right to not have speech coerced by the “mandate” to wear a religious vestment, i.e., the Holy Rag.

He could end the “national emergency” - which he declared - and thus end the pretext for the imposition of a Sickness Gulag on the country.

He could “lock down” the Gesundheitsfuhrers’ assertion of unlimited, open-ended power to rule by “mandate,” pointing out that nowhere in the federal or any state constitution is such power granted the chief executive of any state; that laws are passed by legislatures - not imposed by whatever a Gesundheitsfuhrer claims “the science” says.

But the Orange Man has not done any such thing. Instead he tweets about the election having been a selection, which may well be so - but it hardly matters when he has done nothing to protect the people from the Gesundheitsfuhrers and their “mandates”.

So I guess it’s up to me and any other man (or woman) with balls enough to do something other than step ‘n fetch it every time the Gesundheitsfuhrer tells them to do so.