Commentary: When truth is no defense!

by Eric Peters

January 25, 2023 - It used to be that truth was an absolute defense against libel - the latter being, essentially, a claim that information conveyed to others is false and defamatory.

As in “misinformation”.

Well, the wheel has turned, hasn’t it? In fact, it threatens to run us over - those of us who have the audacity to give voice to the truth.

As for example, the doctors in Kalifornia who are being threatened with what amounts to State-enforced cancellation of their privilege to practice medicine if they dare to tell their patients the truth when it conflicts with the falsehoods insisted upon by the State with regard to the Holy Virus and all attending state-corporate promulgated narratives about treatments for it. It does not matter that - for example - it is perfectly true that ivermectin is an effective treatment.

Nor that it is true - it is admitted to, finally - that the so-called “vaccines” do not ”stop the spread” and do carry significant risks. But if a doctor shares these truths with his patients, he risks more than being banned from Twitter or Facebook.

He risks losing, essentially, everything.

Including - most crucially - his self-respect. For how can a man - or woman - respect themselves, knowing they have bent the knee to falsehood and participated in its propagation?

This cancer spreads, as cancers left untreated almost always do. Particularly when they are encouraged to spread.

As, for example, via what are styled “Hate Speech” laws - which are accurately styled in that those who push and pass them hate speech that disagrees with their agendas and narratives. Thus, it has become “hateful” to “misgender” someone - i.e., to express the truth that a biological male who dresses and behaves as a female does not “transition” into being a biological female; this being as biologically impossible as a dog “transitioning” into a cat.

Yet it is on the verge of transitioning into a criminal act to state such truths - such biological facts.

The above business is not primarily about catering to the delusions of psychologically unwell people; they are merely another class of useful idiots being used to further and entrench the much broader goal of forcing truth off the stage in favor of an ever-shifting subjectivity, narrated by people who are not idiots.

They are, however, evil.

The word applies to anyone who would punish the truth being told. Without the truth there is no longer any way to measure and evaluate reality - and morality. In place of all that, endless ever-shifting narratives that must simply be complied with and never questioned. This latter being absolutely essential to the maintenance-in-perpetuity of false narratives. Until the narrative shifts - at which point a different “truth” emerges, which must also not be questioned - until it shifts, in its turn.

As, for example, the way an Imminent Freeze was asserted to be coming 50 years ago. When it did not arrive, that narrative was replaced with a new one about Imminent Warming, which also failed to materialize and was, in its turn, replaced with the ever-shifting, wonderfully subjective Climate Changing.

The old “truths” are now considered false - and their very mention hateful; shortly to be actionable, if you deny the false truth of their narrative.

George Orwell described our future in harrowing detail. It is a world in which 2+2 does not always equal five. It equals whatever the Party says it does.

A scene in his novel, 1984, describes a Party rally at which a Party orator is haranguing the crowd about the eternal enemy of the State, Eurasia. In mid-harangue, the Party orator is handed a piece of paper and, after a quick look, resumes his harangue. Only now the eternal enemy is Eastasia - and has always been. To speak - or even to think - the truth that, until the Party orator shifted narrative in mid-narrative, that the eternal enemy had been Eurasia was a punishable offense.

Just as it is on the verge of becoming a punishable offense to state the truths about biology with regard to gender and treatments with regard to sickness. In fact, it is already a punishable offense; see the earlier point about threatening doctors who tell the truth and who are vulnerable to sanctions because they have allowed the practice of their profession to transition from being their right into a conditional privilege, granted them by the State. Other professions are just as vulnerable. Including - harrowingly, given the potential for silencing truth - the practice of journalism. Anyone who wishes to practice this profession can still do so in this country and this provides protection to truth-tellers in this country, who are still more-or-less free to do so. They may be “de-platformed,” “doxed,” or “de-monetized” for doing so - but that is not the same as being threatened with the loss of their right to write and speak the truth.

That latter is what they’re after.

What stands in their way - here, in the (Fascist Police States of Amerika) - is the Bill of Rights and particularly the First Amendment, which formally spells out the right to free speech. Even though it is a natural right to practice medicine or any other profession, the State has eviscerated the right because it was not formally spelled out. It is why doctors are unable to speak out - even when they speak truth. The same for educators. The same for all, in time - or so the ones behind all of this intend and hope.

If allowed to metastasize, it will happen.