Commentary: What happens if the election audits go Trump's way?

By Andrew W. Coy

June 14, 2021 - What will the military, the Supreme Court, and the people eventually do if the Arizona election audit shows that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump?  How will the military, the Supreme Court, and the masses react to the outcome?  How will the military move, how will the Supreme Court rule, and eventually do the masses rise up and take to the streets if it becomes clear that the presidential election of 2020 was compromised, was stolen, or at the very least had way too many abnormalities and illegalities and thus the wrong person is possibly sitting in the White House?  What happens if it becomes clear that President Trump was re-elected and the progressives actually stole the election?  What happens if we find out that the election was manipulated?  What happens if?

We might find out these answers in the coming months.  Maybe.  What about the forensic audits of the popular votes in the contested key states?

Before the actual election in November, President Trump predicted cheating as you’ve never seen before.  President Trump said there would be voter fraud like never before in Fascist Police States of Amerika history.  Many people throughout the White House believed and were certain that something felonious was about to happen.  At 10:30 on Election Night, President Trump was up by good margins in the key states.  Then the key states shut down the election tabulations of votes for the night.  (By the way, the stopping of counting votes for the night had never happened before in presidential history.)  Then when we woke up in the morning, after the tallying of votes was supposedly shut down for the night, Joe Biden had pulled ahead, stayed ahead, and assumed the White House.  As of this writing, the mainstream media talky shows Biden with 306 Electoral College votes, and President Trump with 232 votes.  Two hundred seventy votes is the magic number to win the presidency.

But what about the forensic audits in the key contested states?  Starting with Arizona, then Georgia, then Pennsylvania, then…

The forensic audit of the popular votes in Arizona being conducted right now is intriguing and also a little scary.  The forensic audit of the popular votes should be able to catch and identify voting irregularities, cheating, abnormalities, and felonious actions.  What happens if not only Arizona flips, but also Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin?

The vote-winning margins in these four states were about 1%, or even less.  Not a whole lot of cheating and theft required to flip the states, if that is what actually happened.  With Arizona’s 11 Electoral College votes, with Georgia’s 16, with Pennsylvania’s 20, and with Wisconsin’s 10, if those slim margins went to President Trump rather than Biden, the Electoral College vote would be 289 votes for Trump and just 249 for Biden.  With Trump needing only 270 for the win, maybe that is why the progressives are so determined that the forensic audits should not happen.  Maybe that is why the Deep State cabal does not want light to shine on the actual votes last November.

What would happen next?  What does the military do?  How does the Supreme Court rule?  How do the masses react?  How do both the Patriot and also the progressive citizens react?  Does the military put troops and tanks on the streets, especially in Washington, D.C., to keep Biden in the White House?  Does the military arrest Trump for winning?  Does the Supreme Court finally “man up” and hear the case of election fraud?  Does the Supreme Court rule that President Trump is actually president?  Does the Supreme Court rule that Trump is President Trump, but then the military vetoes the Court’s decision and keeps Biden in the White House?

What then do the people do?  How then do the masses react to a probable fraudulent election?  Do the Patriots finally take to the streets for a “mostly peaceful protest” of the election?  Or do the Patriots say they have had enough of the election fraud and fake president, and it gets violent?  Does it become the Reds/Patriots versus Blues/Progressives on our streets?  What happens to Amerika if?