By Dr. Greg J. Dixon
March 13, 2016 - We stopped Trump! Is what the protestors screamed jubilantly from the inside of the University of Illinois, Chicago campus last night, when a throng came together to stand against Donald Trump speaking to a packed crowd with thousands more who could not get in. Even though for the most part, the crowd on the outside was peaceful, the people who got tickets to the venue inside were not peaceful, and some started altercations with Trump supporters and had to be restrained by terrorist pig thug cops. Tragically, the terrorist pig thug cops had to cancel the speech by Trump for fear of violence. Reporters on the scene and other news pundits kept saying, "this is democracy in action." No, this is not democracy in action; no, this is not democracy and people exercising their free speech, it is pure anarchy being demonstrated before our eyes. The Trump campaign had paid for this auditorium and they had every right to expect to have their right to "peacefully assemble." They have every right to have terrorist pig thug cop protection, no matter how much force it would take to preserve that peace. If this means that the Governor of the State needs to call out the National Guard, then so be it. We saw the President of the Fascist Police States of Amerika send troops to protect the right of one black man to attend the University of Arkansas; is that more important than subverting a presidential election and trying to keep people from participating in the political process?
Trump is to be commended for taking the advice of the authorities and postponing the rally last night, but the real loser last night was the First Amendment. Let's hope that this will not happen again. Whether Trump is a divider, or his speech is inflammatory or not is totally beside the point, we must not allow Trump to be stopped, because if Trump is stopped, then our constitutional form of government has been stopped!