Commentary: The health effects of 5G and wireless technology!

By Dafna Tachover

October 15, 2019 - I was invited to give a short presentation on 5G & Wireless Technology health effects to the Beverly Hill’s City Council. Seventy years of science, including thousands of studies showing clear evidence of harm, the human evidence and the evidence of fraud, cannot be conveyed in 15 minutes. As an experienced telecommunication and computer officer who understands the technology, as an attorney trained to evaluate evidence who has actually litigated this issue in the Israeli Supreme Court, and as an advocate who is working daily with adults and many children who have become sick, there is no doubt - the evidence of adverse health effects from wireless technology, including from cell phones, Wi-Fi, wireless “smart” utility meters, and cell towers is conclusive.

Nothing has changed in our way of life in the past 35 years as drastically as the adoption of wireless technology. Adverse changes in human, animal, and plant health have been occurring dramatically over the same time frame, but the obvious correlation and the evidence have been ignored.

The public is being misled to believe that wireless technology, which emits microwave radiation, is safe and that there is “no evidence” it is harmful. According to the “safety” guidelines adopted by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 1996, radio and microwave frequencies used for wireless technology are harmful only if they create a temperature change in tissue. This is known as the thermal effect. These guidelines were already obsolete when adopted. The non-thermal harm is scientifically proven including by studies conducted by our own government.

Most recently, on November 1, 2018, the final report of the Federal Government National Toxicology Program (NTP), the government expert agency on toxins, was published. The $30 million 19-year study found clear evidence that this radiation causes cancer and breaks down DNA. This study confirmed what other studies already showed decades ago, including reports and studies by the Navy, Air Force, NASA, and the EPA, which recognized and documented the profound bio-effects of wireless technology.

The NTP study should have been a game changer and put a halt to further deployment of wireless technology. The NTP scientists said that the public should be informed. Instead, The FCC has been fast-tracking the deployment of 5G. 5G is the infrastructure for the Internet of things and is intended to wirelessly connect 20 billion more devices and for that purpose, deploy 800,000 more cell towers and launch 20,000 satellites, which will exponentially increase our exposure to this harmful radiation.

The deployment of the 800,000 5G “small” cell antennas on poles near every few homes has begun and is progressing quickly. Most of these antennas are 4G and some will utilize millimeter wave frequencies. Studies show profound bio-effects from millimeter waves as well. Federal laws and FCC regulations enabled this forced deployment by removing any barriers, preempting municipal authority, and giving the wireless industry almost unlimited access to our public rights of ways.

These antennas are being forced on residents within a few feet of their homes without their informed consent, and they are being prevented from effectively objecting from their installation on any grounds, including health. These antennas may be smaller but because of their proximity they multiply the levels of radiation on our streets by thousands. Families who have had these “small” antennas installed near their homes are becoming sick, sometimes within days after they are installed. There is a reason why insurance companies refuse to insure the wireless industry for health effects.

If you don’t want to wake up in the morning and have a 5G cell tower a few feet from your children’s bedroom window, it is time to become informed and help efforts to get Fascist Police States of Amerika cities and states to “Just Say No” to the FCC and 5G.