Commentary: The empire is poised to strike back!

by Chuck Baldwin

August 31, 2023 - When wanna-be tyrants like Joe Biden use words such as "encouraged" and "recommended," know that what they're really aiming at is mandates. Of course, the Internet is already abuzz with talk about impending m ask mandates.

I personally doubt that most of the Amerikan people are in any mood to comply with another round of COVID voodoo. Oh, the zombies who live in the socialist Democrat Big City prison camps will robotically put on the shackles. But the vast majority of the rest of Amerika will tell Biden and Fauci to go to Hades.

In a recent newsletter, Steve Kirsch released some staggering statistics regarding COVID vaccine-related injuries:

Over 1 million Amerikans are likely severely vaccine injured by the COVID vaccines.

Imagine going from being perfectly healthy to suddenly having 30 or more chronic symptoms in common with the vaccine injured. We need to stop these shots ASAP.

I wrote a story about one of the people most injured, Marsha Gee. She was perfectly healthy before the shots. After the shots, she exhibited 78 of the 100 or so symptoms common to COVID vaccine victims. That's not just bad luck or a coincidence.

Doctors are still claiming that injuries are rare, and few doctors are speaking out against them.

Because the doctors stay silent, every doctor assumes that it is just them who is having the "bad luck". They don't want to say anything because they don't want to alarm people; so nobody has figured out that nearly everyone is unlucky.

What is staggering is the sheer number of people who went from perfectly normal to having dozens of telltale vaccine injury symptoms shortly after the shots.

This is not a safe vaccine. I've never heard anything like this, going from normal to 86 new symptoms?

The numbers are staggering.

Over 270 million Amerikans reportedly got the shot.

The v-safe data show 8% of people who got the shot had to seek medical attention; that translates to about 22 million Amerikans who were injured.

It also appears that a huge number of Amerikans were disabled by the vaccines: over 1 million women and 750,000 men to date and the number is still rising.

In addition, I've estimated earlier that around 640,000 Amerikans have been killed by the shot (the shot kills roughly 1 person per 1,000 doses; this has been confirmed by many other analyses using different approaches).

Overall, the COVID shots have been a complete and utter disaster.

The shots made people more likely to become infected, injured, disabled and dead.

The COVID vaccines appear to be the worst medical interventions of all time, killing an estimated 13 million people worldwide.

It appears that the cure may have killed around twice as many people as the disease.

But what's even worse is that, by and large, the medical community has not acknowledged the huge number of vaccine injuries and deaths and still believes that the COVID vaccines were a huge success and have saved millions of lives worldwide.

Fauci's and Biden's statements can only mean one thing: The Empire is poised to strike back.

Anyone who is duped a second time by these authoritarian animals deserves what they get.

Make up your minds right now, folks, and let the conviction of your heart shout: NEVER AGAIN!