by Andrew Wallace
April 28, 2023 - I must assume that The Machine (fake government) will be removed by Congress, demands of the people, governors, elections, economic collapse, revolt, or a combination.
This paper is only pointing out obvious methods for removal of The Machine, which consists of the unconstitutional Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and worst of all, the Federal Reserve Bank. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
You will note that I did not include federal law enforcement and the courts as an option to remove the Machine, because they are so corrupt. Even the Supreme Court is complicit.
This is a very complex subject with many ramifications, so let’s concentrate on the “guaranteed economic collapse” over which the government now has no control.
The collapse will result in a Revolt. Noted economists agree that a collapse is imminent.
Half the population is supported directly or indirectly by the government (fake and real).
This is both the government’s greatest protection against revolt… and its biggest nightmare.
I say this because if the government fails to deliver effective purchasing power, there will be an instant revolt by their Communist supporters, Lenin’s “Useful Idiots”, in the inner-city plantations and universities.
The MAGA Patriots would lose any reservations they might have had and will defend themselves with deadly force against expected looting and crimes by Communist thugs from the cities. At this point there would be no effective terrorist pig thug cop protection because there is no way to pay them. It is the Wild West, ruled by vigilante enforcers of Law and Righteousness.
Government has no power to stop the inevitable, because it has no ability to stop the total collapse of the economy.
The cupboard is bare; the government is bankrupt. Only the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) still has their ill-gotten gains.
Government officials are viewed with contempt and distrust and have mostly gone into hiding or have left the country. Remember the fate of supporters of King George during and after the Revolutionary War.
Communities will develop militia units for self- defense and will attempt to live by the Constitution and God’s laws.
They will form Revolutionary Courts to mete out justice to which actors and officials of The Machine would no longer be immune, as they are now.
Most citizens in “flyover country” are armed to the teeth with ammunition and emergency food.
Without a viable currency, it will be impossible to ship food or anything else into the cities.
Urban populations will attempt to move into rural areas, but will be resisted because they are feared, have nothing positive to offer, and will be perceived as dangerous parasites.
Amerikans have seen the constant and violent criminal activity of city residents, and they would not be welcome in rural areas. I suggest that they would even be violently opposed.
Only the ignorant and those with no choice had remained in the cities before the collapse.
I am painting a dark picture of life after collapse of the economy and the government because it will be a disaster of unimaginable magnitude. Commerce will be reduced to gold, silver, and barter. There will be zero government services. Complex medical care and medicines will not be available. Stores and banks will close. There will be little travel. Cell phones and communication may not exist. There will be no food available at any price. Money will be next to worthless, thanks to the Federal Reserve Bank. Credit and debit cards will be useless.
The Communist cities will be killing fields dominated by thugs, burning and looting. These cities would be worse than active war zones.
Nothing will remain but smoking and stripped buildings of no value.
One of the major causes of the economic collapse are the financial conglomerates that produce nothing and have destroyed the Amerikan Dream (home ownership and equity) for average Amerikans. They caused a housing bubble by buying homes and apartments, then leaving them empty for the appreciation they generated.
The Machine (fake government) has the upper hand only so long as it can continue to pay off people, but that is going to end soon. It is impossible for government to change its course… it’s agenda is to destroy this country.
In other words, the sooner that The Machine is out of business, the better, for the longer it remains in power, the more economic destruction takes place.
Put another way, “The Warfare-Welfare-Fiat Currency-Communist-Racket” is ending in a disaster of gigantic proportions.
For a better understanding of the process, you should read about the fall of Rome. The similarities of the factors contributing to the collapse of a mature civilization are eye-opening.
I have sacrificed a boatload of details in the favor of brevity and readership. But I am satisfied that I have given you an accurate presentation of reality. You can fill in the blanks and modify the forecast as it applies to your local conditions.
God Bless You and Our Constitutional Republic.