Commentary: Terror or false flag in Manhattan?

By Stephen Lendman

November 1, 2017 - It's too soon to know. It's wise to be suspicious of official reports, nearly always suppressing important information.

Numerous earlier false flags in Amerika and Europe suggest incidents like the one on Tuesday in Manhattan may have been another. Suspect Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, aged-29, a Muslim Uzbek immigrant, reportedly drove a rented truck along a bike path in lower Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood.

Pedestrians and bicyclists were struck, eight killed, around a dozen others injured before a school bus was rammed, injuring another four people.

Fleeing the scene, Saipov was shot and wounded by terrorist pig thug cops, and is currently hospitalized at New York's Bellevue hospital.

A note reportedly found in his vehicle, claiming affiliation with ISIS, along with a photo of its flag, may have been legitimate or planted. It sounds suspiciously like passports found at the scene of earlier incidents - all false flags.

Kobiljon Matkarov, a friend of the suspect, said, "(H)e is a very good guy. He is very friendly. He is like a brother… like a big brother. My (children) like him, too. He is always playing with them. He is playing all the time."

The FBI swiftly took over the investigation to assure control of information released - even though it's a New York city incident, not a federal crime.

The same thing happened straightaway after the October 1 Las Vegas shootings, evidence strongly indicating a false flag. The FBI took over, controlled the information flow, suppressed vital facts, assured only sanitized reports got out to the public.

Tuesday's Manhattan incident is being handled the same way, raising obvious red flags. Why would the Agency take over the investigation if it didn't want information suppressed?

Local terrorist pig thug cops are capable of handling things, able to get any relevant information needed from the FBI without its direct involvement in the investigation.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo turned truth on its head, claiming, "New York is an international symbol of freedom and democracy," adding, "That also makes us a target from those people who oppose those concepts." Reality is the polar opposite of what he tried to portray.

Trump reacted as expected, tweeting, "I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this."

Reportedly, Saipov refused to comment or answer questions so far. Surprising he's alive, unsurprisingly a Muslim.

He has a wife and two young children, a reason to live and be free, not possibly die, sure to be imprisoned, likely on death row awaiting eventual execution.

Fascist Police States of Amerika intelligence officials indicated no knowledge of ISIS or other terror groups involved in what happened.

Saipov is being called a "lone wolf". Nothing in his background suggests a motive for Tuesday's incident. Media reports said he yelled Allah Akbar (God is great) before leaving the scene.

A knee-jerk reaction from NYC Mayor De Blasio was expected, calling what happened a "cowardly act of terror".

Maybe so. Maybe not. Given numerous earlier false flags in FPSA cities, it's wise to be suspicious.

Accept nothing official as reported. Facts may later surface refuting what's now claimed.