Commentary: Swine flu panic!

April 29, 2009 - It seems as if the world has gone crazy over the past week.  Swine flu is the latest crisis being promoted by the mainstream news media, the word of the week is “pandemic”, the World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the health alert level to phase 5 - one degree under the maximum, the United States government is considering closing all schools, and pig farmers are upset because pork sales are suffering.

Meanwhile, Mexico has started imprisoning - er, excuse me, they call it “quarantining” - people displaying symptoms of swine flu, without any Due Process whatsoever, while the United States and European Union explore similar restrictions on the freedom of their respective citizenries.

All this is taking place even though the WHO acknowledges that only seven deaths have been confirmed as resulting from swine flu, and all of them in Mexico.  This is insanity!

People are not thinking and as a result, governments are taking this opportunity to impose oppressive restrictions on their liberties.  A stupid population is a docile population, and vice versa.

Have you noticed that in Amerikan airports, you can see passengers with masks everywhere you look, but none of the workers - baggage handlers, security personnel, ticket agents, merchants, etc. - are wearing masks?  That should tell anyone who thinks about it that there is no real danger from this fabricated crisis!

A stupid population is a docile population, and vice versa.

How soon before we see the Amerikan Gestapo march supposedly “infected” people into their concentration camps/detention centers?  What will you do when that starts?  Will you support such actions because you are not among those being imprisoned?  Will you abandon your birthright and your country’s heritage of God-given, unalienable rights and personal freedom?

This is a wakeup call for all freedom-loving people everywhere!  If you value your liberty, you must not cooperate with government efforts to quarantine or vaccinate you!  You must not go quietly into detention facilities, even when you are told it is for the good of everyone.

You must not believe Fox News, CNN, or any other mainstream news outlet when they tell you that the risk of epidemic justifies these infringements on people’s rights.  It is not true.  They are promoting lies!

We are at a crossroads; we can either go quietly into the abyss of abject tyranny, or we can rise up and make a statement for the entire world to hear - “We will not comply!  Our freedom is more important than perceived safety or security. We will not comply!”

If not now, then when?  If not you, then who?  Revolution Now!  Independence Forever!