Commentary: It’s Trump vs. Swamp psychopaths!

Recent research explains how Leftist leaders are often severely mentally disordered.

February 14, 2024 - “That’s crazy! Our leaders must be insane!”

That’s basically how most Amerikans react to much of what they see going on around them every single day.

From the illegitimate fascist pretender Joe Biden regime’s enthusiastic support for amputating body parts of troubled children, to its obsession with bringing as many millions of illegal alien invaders as possible into Amerika, to its recent demand that Fascist Police States of Amerika airlines employ more people, including pilots, with “severe intellectual” and “psychiatric” problems, it’s increasingly clear that many of Amerika’s current leaders are, to put it plainly, stark raving mad.

But making this statement is not an exercise in calling one’s political opponents nasty names, as happens so often today.

Rather, it’s about taking a serious look at the reality that Amerika’s current leaders are indeed genuinely insane - in a clinically diagnosable way. We’re talking about rampant sociopathy, psychopathy, Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and other scary-sounding conditions whose clinical symptom-pictures perfectly match many of today’s leaders.

Of course, many cases of what the secular psychiatric world labels serious “mental illness” ultimately boil down to individuals who, one way or another, willingly or unwillingly, have fallen into the grip of dark spiritual forces.

Yet it’s illuminating to briefly explore how current research in psychiatry - a field ironically dominated largely by the Left - nevertheless has concluded that Leftist radicals and leaders are, more often than not, “way out there” on the spectrum of serious mental illness.

For example, in a groundbreaking peer-reviewed study published in March 2023, titled Understanding Left-wing authoritarianism: Relations to the dark personality traits, altruism, and social justice commitment, authors Dr. Ann Krispenz and Dr. Alexander Bertrams found that Left-wing extremism is closely associated with “psychopathic tendencies”.

“Narcissistic individuals and those with psychopathic tendencies are more likely to strongly endorse Left-wing antihierarchical aggression,” summarized the widely cited PsyPost website, which reports the latest research on human behavior.

“Individuals with dark personalities - such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits - are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism, which they can use as a vehicle to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of actually aiming at social justice and equality,” the authors explain.

Stated simply, Left-wing psychopaths pretend to care about “social justice and equality,” but in reality, are just feeding their massive “ego-focused” lust for power, glory and revenge.

Likewise, retired psychiatrist Brad Lyles, M.D., explains that “one way of understanding the increasingly outlandish beliefs and behaviors of the Left is through the lens of Borderline Personality Disorder. The Borderline diagnosis,” he notes, “is among the most infamous diagnoses in psychiatry. It is the diagnosis that keeps therapists up at night, covered in sweat, fearful of every encounter with this sort of patient.” Lyles writes:

“Understanding the long-researched processes driving Borderline Personality Disorder provides unique insights into the processes driving the more extreme politics of the Left. The Borderline model explains not only the often-inexplicable behaviors of the Left - but also why the Left is so legitimately dangerous.”

“The most dangerous feature of the Borderline model - and the process most dangerous in our politics - is ‘psychological’ projection, as distinct from the ‘political’ variety.”

“Psychological projection hardens a patient's mere belief or suspicion that the other (person, organization) is bad into a conviction the other person is bad.”

“On the contrary, political projection - accusing the other guy of what you are doing - is merely a strategy. A prominent - and execrable - example would include the three years Democrats accused President Doanld J. Trump of ‘colluding with the Russians’ while they themselves were in fact colluding with the Russians.”

“Psychological projection is not a strategy. It is a threat.”

“With psychological projection there are no gray areas in the belief structure. The other person is All Bad. There is no circumstance in which a person (or political Party) is understood to possess a combination of both good and bad features.”

This “All Bad” belief structure is what the late Pulitzer-winning columnist and psychiatrist Charles Krauthammer was getting at when he famously wrote, “To understand the workings of Amerikan politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”

It’s this same “conservatives are evil” belief that underlies the Left’s epically deranged comparison of President Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler - hands-down the most reviled, genocidal mass murderer in world history. Yet top Democrat politicians, including (fascist pretender) Joe Biden, as well as the “mainstream” (i.e., irredeemably Left-wing and dishonest) media, have continually likened Trump to Hitler since before he was elected president in 2016 and continuing today, eight years later.

Yet if Trump really is another Hitler, where exactly are all of his Hitler-like policies and actions? The man was president of the FPSA and leader of the free world for four extremely important years. What justifies such a comparison?

In reality, of course, Trump’s policies were totally in line with the values and sensibilities of the great, center-right Amerikan middle class that has long constituted this nation’s moral, economic and spiritual backbone. Amerika’s economy was stable and strong under Trump, unemployment at historic lows, perverse trade agreements replaced with fair, pro-Amerikan ones. Border enforcement was a priority, Amerika’s military was being rebuilt, and the world was blessedly free of major wars, due to Trump’s personal strength and leadership.