Commentary: FPSA pledges climate reparations while Amerikans freeze and become homeless!

by Daisy Luther

November 22, 2022 - More people than ever are facing dire circumstances, and we’re just getting started with this economic disaster; and what is our government doing? It is giving our money away to other countries.

The plight of our own countrymen seems to be less important than those in other countries. The Fascist Police States of Amerika (FPSA) has just agreed to pay up to a billion dollars to poor countries for “climate reparations”.

As per an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, “The use of climate policy to soak Amerikans keeps getting worse, and the United Nation’s climate conference in Egypt ended this weekend with agreement on a new fund to pay reparations to poor countries. Welcome to the latest climate shakedown.”

“The 2015 Paris accord suggested rich countries compensate poor countries for climate damage - the rationale being that industrialization has increased temperatures and led to natural disasters. Poor countries finally forced discussion of a formal mechanism to pay climate reparations onto this year’s U.N. conference agenda.”

“Wealthy countries will now set up a fund to cover climate damage for the least developed countries - i.e., not China or middle-income nations. This will be financed from ‘a broad donor base’ and ‘mosaic of solutions,’ such as international development banks and taxes on aviation, shipping, and fossil fuels.”

Some reports suggest that the FPSA will be on the hook for up to a billion dollars. In October, it was reported that the total amount due would be $4.3 trillion.

That’s the sum the FPSA and other major carbon polluters will face at the COP27 climate summit in Egypt next month.

China is not contributing jack sh*t. It’s essential to note that out of all the polluters in the world, China is the worst offender, creating 30% of the world’s carbon emissions.

Yet, it is exempt from this outrageous bill. Not one thin dime shall it pay. I’m not a fan of China’s dystopian policies and government but at least it isn’t causing shortages and suffering in its own country in order to virtue signal how green it is.

In the end, it’s just the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

“Countries might also shake down (FPSA) fossil-fuel producers in their own courts. Climate reparations will merely serve as another form of global income redistribution. The (illegitimate pretender Jos Biden regime’s) surrender shows again that the religion of climate change is progressive penance for the sin of being prosperous.”

In doing this, the FPSA ignores the plight of everyday Amerikans who can’t afford to run their heat or keep their homes.

This isn’t some abstract concept about the planet.

This is real, and it’s happening to folks in our own communities.

The high cost of energy is causing exorbitant heat bills as we move into winter.

As the first frigid weather of autumn chills the northeast, many people are faced with a tough decision: deal with the surging costs of heating their homes or live without it.

Home heating prices are skyrocketing yet again this winter, up 18% nationwide on top of last year’s 17% spike, according to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA).

Charmaine Johnson works in the call center at Philadelphia’s Heater Hotline, part of a non-profit that assists low-income families with their heating systems and bills. Johnson, 63, can relate to the concerns she’s hearing all day. She, too, is struggling to afford her heating bills.

Johnson says she doesn’t qualify for government assistance with her heating bills. As inflation also pushes up her food budget and other expenses, she is bundling up and keeping the heat turned down, hoping to stretch that oil for as long as possible.

“It’s miserable,” she said. “It’s like living in an igloo.”

The elderly and children are the most likely to suffer when folks can’t afford to turn their heat to a reasonable level. Some senior citizens living on fixed incomes are talking about keeping their thermostats at a nippy 50-55 degrees.

It doesn’t matter how you heat, this year you are going to pay more. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts that, “…heating a home with natural gas will cost an extra 25% this winter, and heating with electric will run 11% higher. The steepest hike will be on heating oil, which is expected to be 45% more expensive than last winter, squeezing roughly 5 million households, mostly in the northeast.”

Many of our most vulnerable citizens are facing a long cold winter.

Imagine what we could do with a billion dollars here at home. Imagine the people who could be fed, housed and sheltered. Sure, it wouldn’t solve all of our problems. It wouldn’t undo the damage done to our economy by disastrous lockdown policies.

But wouldn’t it be better to help the folks at home before pledging tons of money to others?

I don’t hate other countries. I don’t hate poor countries. I’ve spent a lot of time traveling the world, and I want to see other countries be prosperous too. But it cannot come at the expense of our own people, who have paid tax after tax after tax but still can’t turn their heat above 50 degrees in the winter.

Is it just me? Do you feel that this is a terrible use of Amerikan money, or do you think it’s a good call? If you could decide where to distribute a billion dollars as a government official, where would you direct it? How the heck does China get off scot-free?