by Gary Bauer
WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 26, 2023 - You know the Left’s agenda is really extreme, unpopular, and out-of-touch when they have to lie about it. Well, here’s the latest lie from the pro-abortion Left.
A pro-abortion group called, “Shout Your Abortion” (yes, they think abortions are something to brag about) has put up billboards along I-55 through the heart of the Bible Belt to Illinois, where women can get abortions until the day of birth. One theme of these billboards is “God’s plan includes abortion.” That is obscene.
If we had a fair and balanced media, someone in the White House press corps would be asking if Catholic Joe Biden agrees with this outrageous lie. He’d probably say, “Yes,” but he doesn’t have to worry about ever being asked.
Every pastor in Amerika needs to understand that there is an effort underway to hijack the church of Jesus Christ.
Churches are being used to promote socialism.
They are being used to aid and abet the invasion at the southern border.
Churches are being used to promote the homosexual and deviant transgender agenda.
Now we’re being told that abortion is part of God’s plan.
This is a perfect opportunity for every pastor to deliver a sermon explaining why that’s bad theology. After all, God said, “I have set before you life and death. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”
This isn’t political. It’s biblical.
Gary Bauer is the president of American Values, a national pro-family organization, and is the former president of the Family Research Council. Bauer ran for the Republican nomination for president and appears frequently on radio and television programs.