By Brent Johnson
April 14, 2009 - Over the years, I have risked my life and liberty to bring people like you truthful information about the attacks on our freedoms being perpetrated by government. I have taken real chances with my life, liberty and property, all on behalf of others.
Meanwhile, most people have done little or nothing to further the cause of freedom. They will talk about it and are willing to be passive participants, but few will take an active role in fighting this war to preserve our freedom.
I object when people complain that I am not sweetness and light to them; when I exert pressure on them to do things; when I raise my voice to emphasize the importance or necessity of a particular course of action.
If you are not prepared to fight this war, then please do not get in the way of those among us seeking to do so. I make no apologies for the way I am conducting this campaign. War is an ugly thing. It is not polite, understanding or sensitive, and is seldom compassionate.
While I do attempt to bring those qualities into my personal and professional interactions, they are seldom as much of a factor as many would like them to be.
You need to decide whether you are willing to fight this war on its own terms! You do not get to determine that this war will be fought with sensitivity. You do not get to decide that this war will be fought quietly and peacefully. IT IS WAR!
As Morpheus so eloquently said in The Matrix, you are either part of the solution or part of the problem. You cannot be neutral.
Now it is time for you to decide in what manner you will participate in this war. Will you be part of the solution or part of the problem?
Your actions, not your words, will determine the answer to that question.