By Paul Craig Roberts
June 29, 2021 - Everyone knows that the 2020 presidential election was stolen along with the two Georgia (Fascist Police States of Amerika) senatorial elections. There is little doubt that much more was stolen; but no one is allowed to state the fact.
Yes, fact it is. Many experts attested to the facts of the theft. They did so in testimony before state legislators in the states where the election was stolen. The hours of expert testimony were available online. I linked to some of it. A search of this website’s archives would provide it or else provide evidence that the evidence was taken down by Google, YouTube, and the other censors.
You need to ask yourself why information that is contrary to the official narrative is taken down. If the information is wrong, the facts won’t support it, so why bother to censor it? The answer is that the information is correct, and we are not allowed to hear it and make up our own minds. The bought-and-paid-presstitutes are hired to tell us what to believe. Far too many Amerikans permit corrupt presstitutes to control their minds.
Democrats know that they stole the election. That is why they go to court in efforts to block legitimate investigations as “racist” or for “lack of standing.” Why would (pretender Joe) Biden’s Attorney General be suing the State of Georgia for legislating electoral reforms that require an ID to vote if Democrats don’t intend to use the same election fraud to steal future elections?
An ID is required for all sorts of reasons. For example, to board an airplane, to purchase alcohol, to drive a car. Why is it “racist” to require an ID to vote?
Attorney General Merrick Garland said, “This lawsuit is the first step of many we are taking to ensure that all eligible voters can cast a vote.” But what determines an “eligible voter” in the absence of an ID?
Why does the (FPSA) Attorney General take such open sides by announcing he will regard Georgia’s efforts to ensure that only registered voters in Georgia who are Georgia residents can vote “as a racially motivated purpose that has no place in Amerika today?”
In other words, the position of the FPSA Department of Justice is that it is racist to require only citizens to be eligible to vote, and it is racist to prevent citizens and non-citizens from voting multiple times if they are voting Democrat. According to the Biden Department of Justice, “all lawful votes” includes all votes that are cast for Democrats. States that try to prevent unlawful voting are designated as racist, white supremacy enclaves that must be eliminated.
The Biden Department of Justice goes further and insinuates that any effort to hold Democrat election officials accountable for fraud is “a threat to democracy” and will elicit DOJ protection of the corrupt Democrat election official.
Perhaps the red states will find themselves thankful that Washington militarized their (terrorist pig thug cop) forces. The training and equipment give the red states some chance of resisting the Democrats’ decision to impose absolute tyranny on Amerikans.
Note that red, the communist color, is applied to the traditional conservative states, and that blue, which has no such association, is used for the anti-Amerikan, anti-Western Civilization states, the states that defund terrorist pig thug cops so that rioters, looters and violence can “remake society”.
The designation of Republicans as red aids the presstitutes work to convince Amerikans that it is the red states that are anti-Amerikan. They are red like Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, and Mao. By implication of the word “red” the entire Cold War History is evoked against the red states,
Have you noticed that no matter what the social collapse in blue states, no matter the violence against white people, no matter the boarded up stores, the people fleeing to red states, no matter the swiftly rising crime rate in blue cities, there is still no complaint. The official position of the Democrats, white liberals, and presstitutes is that only blue states are free of white supremacy. Only blue states are morally fit for life. If so, why the massive flight from blue states?
The media know the election was stolen. The evidence was too widespread and transparent, beginning with the amazing middle of the night sharp upturn in Biden votes in swing states. The presstitutes’ jobs were to demonize any assertion or suggestion that there were electoral irregularities. Prior to the presentation of evidence the presstitutes were already chanting with one voice, “There was no election fraud”.
Even Republicans like Mitch McConnell fell in line with the chant. Others were intimidated.
So the election was stolen despite the knowledge of all.
What does that tell you about democracy in Amerika?
How can election fraud be prevented when the (FPSA) Department of Justice brings lawsuits against legitimate election reform on the grounds that it is racist to limit voting to one vote by a (FPSA) citizen with a valid ID?