By Joe Belton
March 20, 2020 - There is still a great deal of worry and fear about Coronavirus19. In hopes of helping to reduce that worry and fear I wanted to explain some facts about viruses. I have been busy researching the subject and finally came to the conclusion a few days ago that viruses are not at all what people have been led to believe.
The very day after I came to that conclusion. I discovered that this had come to light 100 years ago after the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic.
Why has it not been taught in our medical schools?
1) Viruses are not an entity external to our bodies that enters them and makes us sick.
2) Viruses do not make people sick.
3) Viruses are not contagious.
4) Viruses are simply fragments of DNA and RNA that are expelled by our own cells in their attempts to detoxify from all the environmental pollution and toxins that impact us on a daily basis. Normally, beneficial bacteria within us clean out toxins for our bodies, but when the cells become so overloaded with toxins that the bacteria are not sufficient to do the job, our cells are forced to create “viruses” to take over the clean-up.
5) Viruses are, therefore, solvents and soaps produced by our own cells to cleanse them. Fragments from the cleaning process are then expelled out of the cells into the blood stream and filtered out by the liver, kidneys, etc.
6) We feel sick because our cells are overloaded with toxins and then the waste products from the clean-up end up in our blood. The higher the amount of waste products, the more ill we feel until the process is completed and the waste products are expelled.
7) This is what the flu is.
8) No one has ever been able to find a so-called “virus” in anybody’s blood nor any animal’s blood. Attempts have been made, but all attempts to locate and photograph a virus inside a living being have failed.
9) All photographs of viruses that we have been shown are pictures of protein chains produced in a laboratory.
10) Most knowledgeable scientists will admit that viruses are not living things.
11)) People cannot “catch” a virus from anyone else or from any animal. During the Spanish Flu outbreak in 1918, Boston Department of Health in the United States extracted snot from the noses of hundreds of people that were diagnosed with the Spanish Flu. They injected this snot into hundreds of healthy people. Not one of the healthy injected people ever developed any symptoms of the flu. At that time, there were also horses diagnosed with the Spanish Flu. They did the same experiments with the horses. They extracted snot from sick horses and injected it into healthy horses. Not one healthy injected horse ever developed any symptoms of the flu. Look up the research on exosomes, the vesicles that our cells use to get rid of the waste material. Here is what one scientific study of them related, “ Exosomes are a type of extracellular vesicle that contain constituents (protein, DNA, and RNA) of the cells that secrete them. One speculated role is that exosomes likely remove excess and/or unnecessary constituents from cells to maintain cellular homeostasis.”
12) The test that is currently used to say that someone either has or does not have the Coronavirus was invented by Kary Mullis, the inventor of the main test technique (PCR). Kary Mulis said that such tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that researchers believe, in some cases wrongly, are unique to the virus for which they are being tested. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.
So nobody who is said to test positive for Coronavirus19 has actually been shown to have any such virus within him/her. The lab running the test is simply looking for those waste products, those genetic sequences carried out of the cell by the exosomes, and “guessing” that they might be related to an undetectable actual virus.
Hopefully you can now see that nobody gets sick from a virus that we got from someone else or some animal. Viruses are part of our body’s attempt to clean up what is actually making us sick; and viruses are not even alive. No virus is contagious.
No vaccine has ever been proven to keep us from getting sick from a “virus” nor to help us get over the “virus” more quickly. If you read the fine print on the flu shot, as I did, it says right on it that there is no research that demonstrates that the vaccine will either prevent you from getting the flu or help you get over it faster.
Obviously, there are all kinds of sick people that we are being told about in China and Italy and to a lesser extent, other countries. But nobody is telling us the truth about why these people are getting sick, and probably not even testing for it, because they are being told to test for Coronavirus19 instead. Do the sick people have some kind of bacteria? If so, what is that bacteria? Or is something else entirely the real cause of the sickness? It is certainly not a virus.
As was discovered back in the days of the Spanish Flu, more than half the people who supposedly died from it in the U.S. were tested to have either Pneumonia or Tuberculosis. In the study in Japan in 2012, not only was TB shown to be associated with influenza death, but there was no influenza death without TB. Investigator Hiroshi Nishiura later concluded, “Should a highly fatal influenza pandemic occur in the future, testing the role of TB in characterizing the risk of death would be extremely useful in minimizing the disaster.”
The U.S currently has had a very low rate of TB, something on the order of only 3 cases per 100,000 people. Uruguay has had an average of 33 cases of TB per 100,000 people over the last year, according to World Health Organization, which is hardly an epidemic. Of those 33 people per 100,000 in Uruguay, only 2 per 100,000 died.
It appears that whatever is causing the illness that is being called Coronavirus19 cannot be a virus itself, but it can weaken our immune system so that other illnesses that we may have been carrying without symptoms, or other microbial illnesses in the environment around us, can establish themselves and grow within us and affect us in addition to whatever caused us to feel ill in the first place. These secondary illnesses are all treatable by antibiotics or natural products.
To go into what is actually making people ill in the first place is a big topic by itself. Consider these things and realize that the fear is way overblown.
Being told to stay in our houses seems to me to be totally unnecessary, and is quite destructive to the economy and quality of our lives, but each one must do what he/she feels is right.
Please give some serious thought to what a virus actually is. That way you can enjoy the comfort of your house without the fear aspect.
Joe Belton is a physicist specializing in astrophysics and nuclear physics. To be a scientist used to mean, and still should, that you study the nature of things using "the scientific method". Unfortunately, more and more since the beginning of the 1900s, scientists have strayed in large part from sticking to the scientific method of analysis and far too often today they get lost in Mathemagic land and spin and promote unproven fairy tales, like black holes, for example, that have no connection with reality and actually defy the laws of physics and often the rules of mathematics as well.