CNN bias exposed in bombshell revelation!

NEW YORK (PNN) - July 28, 2017 - In another undercover video released by Project Veritas, a CNN producer openly admits the networks bias against conservative voices.

CNN's supervising producer John Bonifield can be heard admitting the focus is on leftists’ responses to President Donald Trump's ban on transgender service members. "Where we fail are covering the stories of the people who think differently, people who don't want to have transgender surgery paid for in their state, who don't want transgender bathrooms, who want to see abortion banned," said Bonifield.

He also admitted to the aggressive reporting from CNN anchors often seen when they are interviewing conservatives, saying, "What usually happens is they ask them really pointed questions, really demeaning, interrogative kind of exchanges."

But the real bombshell comes when he flat out admits, "There's an automatic bias presented against them," and it is a result of the fact that "these are people who have a view of the world that's just different than a lot of journalists, and journalists approach them with a certain level of bias."

So instead of fair reporting of all viewpoints, if a conservative goes on CNN he or she can expect to be berated and attacked because he/she has a different view than the person asking the questions - and the producers know it.

Project Veritas has revealed multiple instances of CNN producers and journalists admitting their bias.