City prepares citizens for mandatory emergency confinement!

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (PNN) - April 24, 2013 - During last week’s events in Boston, residents were told to “shelter in place,” which raises the question, would you know what to do if a similar order was issued in Philadelphia?

In the Emergency Management section of the City of Philadelphia’s website, there are now some guidelines for residents to follow.

First and foremost, the city says residents should be prepared to shelter in place for at least three days, which means stocking supplies like medications, food, batteries, drinking water, flashlights and more inside of an emergency kit.

If a shelter in place order is issued, you and your family should go indoors immediately with all doors and windows locked and your fireplace damper closed.

Pets should be kept with you inside a room designated as your shelter in place space. That room should be above street level, allow room for everyone in your family, have access to bathroom facilities and be equipped with a telephone jack.

Officials also say that you should be prepared to turn off all heating and cooling systems and to cover cracks along doorways and windows with tape, wet rags or towels.

Finally, the City’s website recommends listening to KYW 1060 for updates during the emergency.