City Council issues resolution against participation with U.N. Agenda 21!

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (PNN) - April 10, 2013 - The Fairbanks City Council made it clear Monday night that it wants no part of a United Nations sustainability initiative.

The council voted unanimously in support of a resolution that states the city will not enter into partnership with the U.N.’s Agenda 21 if such a partnership would “infringe on the natural and sovereign rights of the citizens of Fairbanks, Alaska.”

City Mayor Jerry Clewoth spoke in support of the resolution.

“There’s some good stuff in there (Agenda 21); there’s a lot of bad stuff in there. When you talk about socioeconomic equity and how you would achieve that, there’s usually winners and losers, and even in the most socialistic and communistic countries, there are winners and losers,” he said. “There’s never equity that I can see in any system.”

In Kansas, State Rep. Dennis Hedke (Wichita) has introduced legislation that would ban state and local governments from spending public funds on sustainable development.

Last year, the Republican-controlled state House of Representatives passed Hedke’s primary advisory resolution against the sustainability initiative.