All charges were subsequently dismissed.
LAREDO, Texas (PNN) - November 11, 2014 - My name is Gregory Rosenberg.
On September 26, 2014, I was a passenger in a truck. We stopped at the mandatory immigration checkpoint 30 miles inside the Fascist Police States of Amerika on I -35 in Laredo, Texas. I am a FPSA citizen, but I legally and respectfully refused to answer the terrorist pig thug immigration officer's question as to whether or not I am a FPSA citizen.
For that refusal, the terrorist pig thug officials illegally arrested me and the driver, illegally searched the truck and trailer, took our cell phones and deleted the videos of my illegal arrest, illegally kept us in jail for 19 days, put a $ 75,000 bond with consignee, and lied to us and said that we were being charged with a felony for non compliance so they could keep us at the jail.
In reality, the charge was a misdemeanor for impeding an agent’s duties, which was dismissed anyway because there is nothing in the law that requires you to answer them if you are a FPSA citizen, or to allow them to search your car or truck without probable cause.
So they illegally arrested us with fake charges, lied to us, and I had not seen a lawyer for 2 weeks after my arrest, but eventually justice was served, and it was dismissed. But I feel like I was kidnapped for standing up for my rights, and I am filing charges against the immigration checkpoint and the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security division.
Wish me luck.