CIA officer John Kiriakou imprisoned to protect 9/11 cover-up!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 6, 2013 - Former CIA Case Officer John C. Kiriakou is facing 30 months in federal prison. According to the New York Times, Kiriakou’s crime was passing the identity of an undercover CIA officer to a journalist.

But a quick peek behind the scenes reveals the real reason Kiriakou is being crucified: He revealed information about CIA officials involved in torturing innocent 9/11 patsy Khalid Sheik Mohammed into endorsing a pre-scripted false confession.

Kiriakou is being railroaded to send a message to the intelligence community: Don’t mess with 9/11 torture, the framing of patsies, and forced confessions!

The intelligence community leaks “classified” information like a proverbial sieve. Of the tens of thousands of leaks that occur each year, only a tiny fraction are ever punished, legally or extra-legally.

So when a former CIA Case Officer is sent to prison for a relatively innocuous leak, we must ask why?

Kiriakou’s “leak” was about as innocuous as it gets. Scott Shane, a New York Times journalist working on CIA torture stories, asked for names of those who knew something about the waterboarding of KSM and Abu Zubaydah, the mentally retarded “al-Qaeda kingpin” who was tortured into naming KSM.

Kiriakou, like all honest intelligence community folks, was presumably dismayed that those who tortured false confessions out of KSM later destroyed all the tapes and notes detailing the torture sessions, and then lied through their teeth about what had happened.

So he gave Shane the business card of Deuce Martinez, a former undercover CIA agent who was involved in the frame-up of al-Qaeda’s Retard-in-Chief Abu Zubaydah and innocent 9/11 patsy KSM.

The government claims that despite Martinez’s CIA role being public knowledge, Kiriakou’s “crime” was revealing that Martinez had been involved in the Abu Zubayda and KSM frame-ups.

That was classified. Anyone who helps the Amerikan public understand what really happened during the torture sessions that elicited false confessions from Abu Zubaydah and KSM is considered to be a threat to national security.

Kiriakou apparently also gave another journalist another name of a CIA officer involved in the “let’s frame Abu Zubaydah and KSM” torture sessions.

So the fascist government railroaded Kiriakou in order to send a message: Open your mouth about the torture sessions that framed the innocent 9/11 patsies, offer any names or information that could lead to the truth coming out, and you’ll be sent up the river.

This information is still extremely sensitive. The ludicrous “19 hijackers” story breathlessly recounted in the 9/11 Commission Report is sourced almost entirely to non-verifiable, anonymous second-hand accounts of what KSM allegedly said while he was being subjected to long-term, excruciating torture.

The fascist Commissioners were offered no access to KSM, nor were they given any recordings or transcripts of the torture sessions and alleged confessions. The entire 9/11 Commission Report, pre-written in outline form by 9/11-scriptwriter suspect Philip Zelikow before the Commission had even convened, is supposedly based on these anonymous, second-hand reports of what KSM said under long-term torture.

The Fascist Police States of Amerika has become a dictatorship. Anyone who threatens to undermine the foundation of that dictatorship by exposing 9/11 in a way that could stand up in court will be punished for daring to expose the truth.