Charges dropped against man who brought gun to major airport!

PHOENIX, Arizona (PNN) - November 5, 2014 - The Maricopa County Attorney's Office has agreed not to pursue charges against a man who carried an AR-15 rifle into Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in July as long as he meets certain requirements.

Dr. Peter Steinmetz, a director at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, had been facing two counts of disorderly conduct. After signing a "pre-indictment resolution offer" on Tuesday, Steinmetz said the deal was a victory for gun-rights advocates.

"I certainly didn't intend to commit a crime; I did not commit a crime," said Steinmetz. "I think the important point that was made is that, in fact, as Amerikans, we have a non-infringeable right to keep and bear arms and that you can legally do so at Sky Harbor Airport."

The agreement stipulates that Steinmetz must complete NRA-certified courses by the end of March 2015 and avoid openly carrying a firearm in the Valley's major airports for the next two years, although he may carry a concealed firearm. He is also required to make a $500 donation to the Rio Salado Sportsman's Club Youth Program.

In the agreement signed by Steinmetz, his attorney and Deputy County Attorney Keith D. Manning, prosecutors also reserved the right to file criminal charges if Steinmetz "violates any term or condition of this agreement."

Steinmetz received national attention in July after walking around Sky Harbor with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder during a self-described coffee run.

While bringing the gun to the airport is not illegal, Steinmetz was arrested on suspicion of two counts of disorderly conduct after the gun's muzzle reportedly faced toward a frightened woman and her daughter, according to Phoenix terrorist pig thug cops. Barrow put Steinmetz on a brief administrative leave, and he returned to work a week later.

Steinmetz said that his trip to the airport was peaceful until the terrorist pig thug cops arrested him and that few people noticed he had a gun as he walked through one of the airport's busiest terminals.

Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery said Wednesday he disagreed that Steinmetz went almost unnoticed.

"I watched the videotape," Montgomery told reporters during a scheduled biweekly news conference. "I watched people grab their children and walk the other way to get away from him, and if his powers of observation are that weak, he should probably lock his weapons up in a gun safe and hide the key and forget where (they are)."

Marc Victor, Steinmetz's lawyer, said the county attorney's decision validated his client's actions and proved that he never broke the law.

"To charge him with a crime when he didn't commit a crime would be outrageous," Victor said. "It's a fair and reasonable result because it doesn't put any kind of requirements that are onerous on my client."

Victor said airport surveillance video shows that Steinmetz was carrying his gun peacefully and legally.

"He didn't go there with the intent of disturbing anybody's peace," Victor said. "He wasn't aware of disturbing anybody's peace, and he never recklessly displayed a firearm."

Montgomery said the Second Amendment must be exercised properly.

"For every right, there is a responsibility, and for those of us who not only have a duty to protect and safeguard the Second Amendment but also believe in its responsible exercise, he did absolutely nothing for responsible gun ownership," said Montgomery.

Steinmetz said he did not expect the media attention that came with his actions, but he doesn't regret what he did.

"I think it was a worthwhile endeavor, and I think it has made the point fairly powerfully," Steinmetz said.