CDC announces power to detain the sick and punish those who do not comply!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 9, 2016 - Sinister, hidden motives are being revealed at the Fascist Police States of Amerika Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The agency recently announced a new invasive plan for the control of communicable diseases, by detaining people suspected of being ill and then forcibly medicating them against their will. The CDC’s new proposal, published in the Federal Register [#2016-18103], will give the agency police state powers permitting CDC officials to detain and forcibly inject chemicals into anyone they deem a threat to public health. There's no rationale for such detainments either. According to the proposal, the "CDC defines precommunicable stage to mean the stage beginning upon an individual's earliest opportunity for exposure to an infectious agent."

This proposal is an open declaration that the FPSA government now owns your body. At least that's what the CDC seems to be claiming. The truth of the matter is that each individual has certain inherent, inalienable human rights that must be defended. Each human owns their own body, and should never be legally bound to become the government's property for forced injections or experimentation.

Vaccines cause severe health problems; even the kangaroo court system set up by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program cannot keep up with the increase in cases of realized vaccine damage. Thousands of cases of such damage are dismissed by the court, and in spite of this, over $3 billion in select payoffs have been issued to vaccine injured families since the court was established. (The court basically functions to give vaccine manufacturers immunity from judicial accountability.)

The CDC wants to hear from you about their proposed power trip rule. This is an excellent opportunity to tell the agency exactly how nefarious and overreaching their new proposal is.

If the CDC takes on these new powers, all they will need is for the media to build up enough public fear against some new strain of virus, for a new vaccine to be introduced and forced on the public. Anyone who dares to ask questions or refuse could then be forcibly injected and jailed. As the proposal reveals, "individuals who violate the terms of the agreement or the terms of the federal order for quarantine, isolation, or conditional release (even if no agreement is in place between the individual and the government), he or she may be subject to criminal penalties.”

Be aware that there is a coordinated, global effort to indoctrinate and force people into vaccine and pharmaceutical obedience. You are not only viewed as a subject without rights, but according to internal WHO documents, you are viewed as an adversary who needs to be psychologically manipulated into believing in vaccine "science". If this new CDC rule goes through, it's not unrealistic to assume that any information you give out as you declare your opposition to forced injections could be used in the future to track you down and inject you against your will.

If this course of action sounds familiar, you're probably thinking of the medical experimentation that was forced on Jews during the Holocaust. When the Nazis claimed ownership over Jewish people's bodies they eventually used police state power to round them up and do whatever they wanted with them in the camps. In essence, the CDC's new rule gives the government authority to incarcerate Amerikans en masse, relocating them to camps to be medically experimented on with vaccines and other pharmaceutical products.

Personal protection (by whatever means) has never been more important, as the CDC accelerates this same type of Nazi ideology by claiming ownership over your body. Furthermore, it wouldn't be hard to unleash a United Nations global police force into neighborhoods to round up vaccine dissenters. If the government claims ownership over your body, and has the military power to do whatever it wants, people will take orders and do their jobs, no questions asked. As the document states, "When an apprehension occurs, the individual is not free to leave or discontinue his/her discussion with an HHS/CDC public health or quarantine officer."

Finally, the document reveals that the CDC is doing away with informed consent altogether, (even though the Amerikan Medical Association still upholds it): "CDC may enter into an agreement with an individual, upon such terms as the CDC considers to be reasonably necessary, indicating that the individual consents to any of the public health measures authorized under this part, including quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment; provided that the individual's consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to any exercise of any authority under this part."

Take action now while the CDC is still open to public comment.