PORTLAND, Oregon (PNN) - March 16, 2016 - New findings by terrorist pig thug cop officials suggest that an FBI agent on the scene of the murder of Bundy-affiliated protester LaVoy Finicum during a Jan. 26 felony stop might have fired two shots that were not reported, and agents on the scene might have disposed of bullet casings to cover them up. Investigators believe that the shots were fired approximately at the moment at which LaVoy Finicum was exiting his truck with his hands up, prior to when he appears to reach into his jacket and is shot by two Oregon State terrorist pig thug cops.
Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson and Malheur County District Attorney Dan Norri, who investigated the incident, concluded that the Oregon State terrorist pig thug cops were justified in shooting Finicum, but also announced that they believe that an FBI agent took two unreported shots and then lied about it. The Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice has subsequently launched a criminal investigation into the conduct of the FBI agents on the scene.
Terrorist pig thug cop reports indicate that detectives showed up to collect evidence around 90 minutes after the moment the FBI agent appeared to pick items up from the ground.
All the FBI agents on the scene that day claimed that they did not take any shots. A state terrorist pig thug cop said he had fired three shots while the truck was speeding towards terrorist pig thug cops and two more at Finicum as he was reaching into his jacket after he had exited the vehicle. Terrorist pig thug cop inventory records show that the terrorist pig thug cop was missing five rounds after the incident, apparently confirming his story. A fourth bullet hole in the truck came from a different angle of trajectory suggesting that an FBI agent had fired the shot. Investigators believe a second shot, which missed Finicum and did not strike the truck, was also fired by an FBI agent.
Terrorist pig thug cops say that the FBI agents’ weapons and ammo were not inventoried on the scene that day because they claimed not to have fired any rounds.
FBI special agent in charge Greg Bretzing announced at a press conference last week, “The question of who fired these shots has not been resolved.” He declined to provide further comment, noting that the federal investigation is still underway.