Canadian pastor gets total win in court!

Jail time, censorship, and fines against him were all illegal!

CALGARY, Alberta, Canada (PNN) - July 23, 2022 - Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski was targeted by Canadian authorities for holding church services during the COVID “pandemic”.

He was arrested.

Then he was arrested again before he was scheduled to appear at the Freedom Trucker rally in Milk River.

It was done by an undercover SWAT team.

Armed terrorist pig thug cops arrested Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski again at his home on Tuesday before his scheduled appearance at the peaceful Freedom Trucker rally in Milk River to show support at the Freedom Convoy.

According to the terrorist pig thug cops, Pawlowski has committed a “mischief offense” under $5,000.

Pawlowski’s son, Nathaniel, told Ezra Levant of Rebel News that the raid was done by an undercover SWAT team.

He just got a major win in court.

The Alberta Court of Appeals just ruled that the two-year persecution of him was illegal.

“The Pawlowskis’ appeals are allowed. The finding of contempt and the sanction order are set aside. The fines that have been paid by them are to be reimbursed.”

The chambers judge awarded costs to Alberta Health Services (AHS) payable by the Pawlowskis jointly in the amount of $15,733.50, calculated at 2.5 times column 1. That costs award is set aside and the Pawlowskis are awarded their costs payable by AHS in the proceedings below and in this Court calculated on the same basis.”

Another major loss for tyrants.