CANTON TOWNSHIP, Michigan (PNN) - October 23, 2018 - In the land of the free, you must ask permission from government before you modify your own property. If you do not first ask for permission and pay them, you can face heavy fines and/or imprisonment. Two brothers in Michigan are learning this the hard way after they cut down trees on their own property. Now the fascist State is telling them to pay up - a half million dollars.
Gary and Matt Percy have been told by their local fascist rulers that because they failed to obtain the proper permit before cutting down 1,400 trees - on their own property - that they now owe $225-$450 per tree.
The brothers own a 16-acre plot of land that they cleared in preparation for planting a Christmas tree farm, according to their attorney Michael J. Pattwell. But they didn’t ask the government for permission first, so now they must pay.
“Canton Tree (terrorist pig thug cops) showed up,” said Pattwell. “Canton Township’s tree removal ordinance prohibits landowners from removing trees from private property without government permission, which may be obtained by either payment into the township’s so-called tree fund or on-site replacement with trees of certain designated trunk diameters.”
What’s more, the property was full of invasive plants and not really trees.
The land was filled with “invasive plants like phragmites, buckthorn and autumn olive,” Pattwell said.
But the government disagrees. To assess the fines, local officials had their “expert arborist” survey a nearby property that they claim had similar trees.
“They identified certain plots,” Township attorney Kristin Kolb said. “They identified the number or type of trees and did some math to figure out approximately how many trees.”
The arborist estimated 1,385 trees with trunk diameter of six inches or more were removed. That could mean $225 to $300 per tree in penalties. Anther 100 landmark trees were also removed, the township estimated, meaning another $450 each.
However, according to the brothers’ attorney, the government uses a broad set of terms to define “tree” which makes just about anything fit the definition, even invasive brush and dead trees.
“Canton Township defines ‘trees’ as ‘any woody plant with at least one well-defined stem and having a minimum diameter at breast height of three inches.’ The Percy parcel was used historically by a local farmer for dairy pasture, so much of the vegetation on the parcel was invasive buckthorn, scrub brush, and dead ash trees.”
Patterson also points out an exemption in the township ordinance, which states “all agricultural/farming operations, commercial nursery/tree farm operations and occupied lots of less than two acres in size, including utility companies and public tree trimming agencies, shall be exempt from all permit requirements of this article.”
Based on the aforementioned ordinance, the brothers were clearly within the law. But this is irrelevant to the fascist officials who want their money.
“The Percy brothers believed they were exercising a state and local exemption for farming when they cleared the land, but city officials arrived on-site and signaled immediately their intention to levy big fines in excess of $700,000,” Pattwell said. “But that’s not what this case is about. We are talking here about a parcel of former pasture land surrounded entirely by industrial activity.
“This case is about misguided overreach. It is unavoidably about whether people who own property are allowed to use it. We contend the Percy brothers exercised a farming exemption in the local tree removal law to clear the historic pasture behind their business and develop a Christmas tree farm.”
Even if the brothers weren’t protected under this local exemption, the idea that government officials can and will levy fines against a persons in the land of the free for cutting down trees on their own property without first paying the government a fee is tyrannical.
Cutting down the trees posed no threat to wildlife, no threat to neighboring property owners, and was in the best interests of the brothers. However, because they failed to pay the fascist State and ask for permission, they will now be extorted. Rest assured, if they refuse to pay this extortion fee, State agents, likely armed with AR-15s, will come to their home to kidnap them. If they resist these armed men attempting to kidnap them, they will be murdered.
It’s amazing that we still call this geographical area known as the Fascist Police States of Amerika, “The Land of the Free”.