Big Pharma showing signs of collapse as population no longer trusts vaccine scam!

NEW YORK (PNN) - December 27, 2022 - As tragic as it all was and continues to be, the COVID “vaccination” farce has led a lot of former vaccine proponents to second guess the medical intervention.

Suddenly it is no longer fringe to question the safety and effectiveness of any vaccine, seeing as how they are the only product in existence where manufacturers cannot be held liable for injury or death.

If drug injections are really as amazing as the vaccine industry claims, then why are manufacturers afforded this special liability protection? Clearly, Big Pharma is not as confident in its safe and effective claim as its members want all of us to be.

The growing mountain of evidence showing that COVID shots are flat-out killing people has many now asking the question: are other vaccines doing the same thing?

“I have directly witnessed vaccination injuries occur around me since childhood and I have devoted more time than I can count to understanding this issue, along with trying to understand where I fit within this tragic mythology that has ensnared our species for over a century,” writes “A Midwestern Doctor” (AMD) in his The Forgotten Side of Medicine newsletter.

“From this introspection, I eventually came to the conclusion that the culture was not yet ready to accept the harms of vaccination and it was better for me to devote myself to focus on a different critical area, which I believed I was better equipped to address.”

That different critical area includes addressing the campaigns that have been used over the years to promote vaccine injections. Everything from smallpox to polio to measles – and now COVID – involved the use of fear to scare people into getting shot.

With smallpox specifically, that one ultimately failed despite all the aggressive advertising – but the damage had already been done. Suddenly vaccine shots, loaded with toxins like mercury and aluminum, became a medicine standard.

“Since that time, other problematic (but not as dangerous) vaccines have come out,” AMD further writes. “Although significant public outcry has also emerged against their use, it has never been sufficient to replicate the success those who fought against the early smallpox vaccines were able to achieve.”

“From my own analysis of this issue, I believe one of the greatest weaknesses of Big Business is that our current economic model makes greed nearly unstoppable, and as a result, predatory industries will eventually push too far and cause a critical failure for the industry (e.g., a widespread public revolt against its product).”

“This is very much the case for the pharmaceutical industry, as vaccines represent one of the best growth areas in medicine (due to the corruption within our system, a vaccine can be made for almost anything, absolved from liability, and mandated upon the population).”

Big Vaccine jumped the shark with COVID vaccines. It pushed too, too hard, even as it was becoming undeniably obvious that something is very wrong with these jabs. They cause more side effects than pretty much all other vaccines combined, and worst of all they do not even prevent COVID as claimed.

The fact that they were also mandated raised serious red flags for even the most diehard pro-vaccine zealots who started asking themselves: why is the government having to resort to tyranny and oppression to strong-arm people into taking an experimental drug that could kill them?

“At the same time, many people who were recently red-pilled are beside themselves that much of the public cannot see what is going on, whereas I, and colleagues are profoundly grateful that this issue has at long last gone from a fringe political viewpoint to a mainstream political position, something that, to my knowledge, has not happened since the smallpox debacle a century ago,” AMD further writes.

Rasmussen recently conducted a poll showing that public acceptance of vaccines is waning. Increasingly more people are skeptical of not only the COVID shot but other shots that they may recall having hurt themselves, a family member, or a friend. Suddenly, those strange illnesses that came out of nowhere are being linked back to vaccine injections in people’s minds - and the COVID scamdemic has helped greatly to open people’s eyes.

The political Left still leans in favor of vaccines to a much greater extent than the political Right. Those who got jabbed for COVID early - meaning the early adopters who fell for the scamdemic hook, line, and sinker - still overwhelmingly claim to support the shots, which is to be expected if for no other reason than simple pride.

But there is a vast middle ground of people, many of whom were told they had to get jabbed in order to keep going to school or working a job, that are now completely turned off to the idea of getting jabbed for anything. It is this growing demographic that could tip the scales against the vaccine industry as the years go on.

The continued release of data showing that vaccine injuries are off the charts ever since COVID shots were introduced is not doing Big Pharma any favors either. People are becoming more scared of getting vaccine injured than they are of “catching COVID,” which is something the vaccine industry desperately tried to prevent from happening.

“Based on the Rasmussen polling data, which I believe I have demonstrated has been confirmed by multiple sources, it should be clear that a large portion of (Amerikans) have lost faith in numerous institutions which they previously had trusted for their entire lives,” AMD concludes.