Beaches are packed as people ignore social distancing rules to sunbathe and relax!

Governors' pleas to stay at home fall on deaf ears.

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - April 27, 2020 - From New York to Kalifornia, people ignored social distancing to hit the beach Saturday as temperatures heated up.

Los Angeles braced for a heatwave this weekend that had people keen to get back to the beach as photos show beachgoers sunbathing and relaxing.

Meanwhile in New York, a spring day after a week of rain saw people out and about on Coney Island and Long Beach, despite the city supposedly being the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.

In Florida, popular beaches like Daytona and Cocoa Beach continue to allow people to walk, surf, bike or swim, while promoting staying a safe six-foot distance from others.

People were seen relaxing on the sand on Tybee Beach in Georgia Saturday.

The Tybee Island city council voted to close the beaches on March 20, but Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued a statewide shelter-in-place executive order that supersedes all local orders relating to coronavirus and also opened up the state's beaches.

Over in New York, beaches remain closed by unlawful order of the governor Saturday, but that didn't stop New Yorkers from taking walks, fishing and surfing.

Some people were seen with their dogs, while many people wore protective masks and appeared to keep a safe six-foot distance.

Independently run Long Beach has closed its boardwalk to pedestrians but has maintained open beaches, and on Saturday locals could be seen bundled up in jackets taking a stroll on the sand.

Kalifornians continued to ignore Governor Gavin Newsom's pleas to stay home after flocking to the beaches Friday and Saturday, prompting Newsom on Friday to plead for social distancing during the continued heat wave this weekend.

Kalifornia has been under an unlawful mandatory stay-at-home order since March 19.

Pictures taken in Huntington Beach, an Orange County city, on Friday show crowds gathering to enjoy as the state roasted in a spring heat wave. Dozens of locations reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher well before noon, and officials are bracing for even larger crowds this weekend.

Families on Cocoa Beach in Florida were seen this week laying down with backpacks, beach towels and coolers, while friends stripped down to their swimsuits to soak up some Vitamin D following the lifting of restrictions that were implemented on April 2.

Cocoa Beach and neighboring Satellite Beach, which also reopened Thursday, are requiring that sun-seekers still practice social distancing and keep groups to a number smaller than five.