ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (PNN) - September 11, 2023 - During the hysteria of the nonexistent COVID pandemic questions swirled around how the federal government would respond to the events under the declaration of a national health emergency. What kind of powers would they claim to have, and which constitutional guarantees would they try to suppress? What many Amerikans did not consider, however, was the implementation of emergency powers under state governments rather than the White House.
Most of the unlawful and noncompulsory COVID mandates crushing the Fascist Police States of Amerika economy during that period were not federal mandates, but state mandates, and there's a good reason why COVID tyrants chose to focus on state level restrictions.
There are a number of requirements and obstacles for any president seeking to enforce mandates at the federal level, along with more scrutiny and oversight than is commonly understood. Though some presidents believe they can declare emergencies unilaterally, there are still some legal checks and balances (to be sure, these are quietly being eroded with each passing year).
On the other hand, some state governors in 44 states believe they have sweeping authorities under emergency conditions, with very little immediate legal recourse. As we have seen recently in places like Hawaii and now New Mexico, Democrat governors have been playing with fire (no pun intended) as they seek to push the envelope of emergency controls at the state level.
In Hawaii, the exploitation of state emergency provisions under criminal Governor Josh Green led to possibly thousands of deaths as they refused to release water supplies for firefighting and even blockaded Maui residents from their own homes, forcing them back into the blaze. They have even put an information blackout in place and denied news organizations access to the scene of the disaster, in criminal violation of the Constitution. One has to ask if this was done out of stupidity, or was this a test to see what kinds of trespasses and controls citizens would accept?
In New Mexico we see a similar extreme overstep by criminal Governor Michelle Grisham, who believes she has the authority to dictatorially declare the Second Amendment to be invalid and violate the unalienable rights of Albuquerque residents due to rising crime. The level of mental gymnastics on display in her arguments to justify the banning of lawful open carry and conceal carry protections make it clear that this is not about protecting the public. The lack of logic and reason indicates that this is an ideological decision based on zealotry. Watch as she struggles to present any reasonable position - turning instead to deflection.
The root of her argument is this: “I am banning legal firearms carry in Albuquerque because under emergency powers I can.” Ed. Note: No she cannot.
That's it. That's all she's got.
But this is not a valid argument and there are a number of reasons why.
First, crime is rising across the nation, predominantly in Democrat controlled cities.
Second, restrictions on open carry and conceal carry are not going to reduce the crime rate because criminals don't care about laws or emergency powers.
Third, Grisham has presented no evidence of a legitimate emergency other than “crime is bad right now.”
Fourth, the focus on open carry and conceal carry seems to be an attempt at a totalitarian tiptoe.
Fifth, gun carry laws are generally a legislative decision that usually requires a public vote.
Sixth, emergency powers have been declared unconstitutional by courts after the fact.
Seventh, Grisham argues that rising crime is a “public health emergency,” using the same language relegated to the COVID response.
The timing and tone of the state government decision on gun carry in Albuquerque reads like a political maneuver, a test to see what the public will tolerate. Outlaw Grisham admits that she expects numerous legal challenges to her decision, but she does not seem too concerned with the public reaction. Maybe she should be; or is she so certain that the New Mexico Second Amendment community will sit on their hands that she feels comfortable there will be no protests, no open carry marches, and no public defiance about which she needs to be worried?
One thing is inevitable, if outlaw Grisham is unopposed in New Mexico, numerous Democrat governors and mayors across the country will try to enforce the exact same unlawful emergency powers.
Ed. Note: The solution is clear: DO NOT COMPLY! Refuse to obey such unlawful and dictatorial efforts. No government official has the power to take away your God-given right to keep and bear firearms in defense of you, your family and friends, and your country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!