Anti-Hillary Clinton “Walking Dead” posters surface in Los Angeles!

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - October 22, 2016 - The Walking Dead has been hijacked by a prolific street artist to protest Hillary Clinton and the presidential nominee's entire Democrat Party.

The artwork from conservative artist Sabo consists of blood-spattered text reading, "Negan wants 50% of your shit. Hillary demands it all." The sentiments are based on Negan, a new villain on AMC's hit show who expressed his desire for stuff that doesn't belong to him.

"In the spirit of The Walking Dead's newest villain, Negan, I drew up these posters and placed them outside of the AMC Studio offices in Santa Monica, as well as near the CNN building on Sunset Boulevard, where there will be an anti-Hillary protest," said Sabo.

"The first time I heard Negan ask for '50% of everything you had,' my first thought was, 'damn, only 50%?' And he's asking! If Democrats had their way, they'd take everything by decree."