STANDING ROCK, North Dakota (PNN) - October 31, 2016 - For months, activists supporting the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in North Dakota have been protesting the development of the Dakota Access Pipeline in an effort to protect sacred burial grounds and the environment. In the past couple of weeks, hundreds of Water Protectors have been arrested, and countless maced, tased, and/or shot with rubber bullets. As tensions have escalated, what was - and is still - intended to be a peaceful protest has brought out aggression on both sides. Though numerous alternative media sites are providing first-hand coverage of the protests and events taking place, many mainstream news sites refuse to give the issue attention.
It’s because of the violence that’s occurring and the lack of coverage the protests are receiving that the collective hacktivist group Anonymous recently issued a chilling message to the governor of North Dakota. The activists explain that they’ve “decided to stand with the Native Americans whose land you raped, whose sacred lands you destroyed.”
They warn that if the governor does not back off the development’s construction, documents showing the conflict of interest will be released. In addition, if any protestors with the Native American tribe are harmed, Anonymous “will release docs on” the individuals responsible.
“We know where you live, everyone you know, and everything there is to know about you.”
So far, over 200 Native American tribes and thousands of activists have joined together to prevent the pipeline from being built.