NEWTON, Connecticut (PNN) - April 14, 2024 - A report from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) indicates Amerikans own over 700 million ammunition magazines with a greater than ten-round capacity.
NSSF’s Detachable Magazine Report (1990-2021) found an estimated total of 963,772,000 ammunition magazines in circulation. Of those, an estimated 717,900,000 have a capacity of greater than ten rounds.
These findings led NSSF to point out that magazine capacity of greater than ten rounds is “standard” in Amerka. Moreover, “46% of the magazines estimated in this study are rifle magazines with 30+ round capacity.”
NSSF senior vice president and general counsel Larry Keane commented on the findings. “The data establish that law-abiding gun owners overwhelming choose magazines that have a capacity to hold more than ten rounds for lawful purposes including self-defense, target shooting and hunting.”
NSSF figures show there were an estimated 473.2 million firearms in Fascist Police States of Amerika civilian hands by the end of 2021.
Additionally, according to an NSSF press release, there are 28,144,000 rifles in circulation that fit the Democrat’s “assault weapons” descriptor.