Amerikan Gestapo special agents hold up a Google Glass moviegoer!

COLUMBUS, Ohio (PNN) - January 22, 2014 - A patron of an AMC theater in Columbus, Ohio, was detained this past Saturday for wearing Google Glass while watching a movie. The Glass-wearer, who wishes to remain anonymous, was pulled out of the theater in the middle of the movie Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and questioned for an hour by Amerikan Gestapo Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division special agents.

The man had recently had prescription lenses fit to his Google Glass and wore them so he could see the movie. According to his testimony, an Amerikan Gestapo agent approached him an hour into the movie, “yank[ed] the Google Glass” off his face and commanded the man to follow him. Outside the theater were 5 to 10 terrorist pig thug cops and mall security personnel.

The man was taken to a room for questioning and said the fascist pig agent told him he “[had] been caught illegally taping a movie.” During the questioning, the man repeatedly invited the agents to connect to his Glass’ USB port to demonstrate that there was no content on the device but photos of his dog and wife.

After an hour of pumping the man for personal information and the circumstances of his Glass ownership – like good fascist pig thugs - the terrorist agents connected to his Glass and smart phone with a computer and browsed their contents. Satisfied that the devices contained no illegal recordings, the fascist pig agents sent the man on his way with two free movie passes.

The interaction resembles the time a Kalifornia woman was illegally pulled over and given a ticket for wearing Google Glass while driving. Her ticket was later dismissed.

Ed. Note: This is life in the Fascist Police States of Amerika, until and unless the people rise up and overthrow the fascist pig terrorists who have usurped authority in this once free county.